Session 24 Recap Report in Arcadia | World Anvil
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Session 24 Recap

General Summary

26th of Hawk, Coin Day
  • Wrapping up the investigation, Toby finds 3 ever burning torches
  • The Midnight Crew and Theo head to the tavern to go over the maps and discuss the location of the mystery island
    • Rosie, Doctor Who, and Toby leave to investigate the storehouse and other remaining buildings
    • Graham wants some questions answered before going through the maps, so Gilda casts Zone of Truth again
    • Theo says that he is from the Shadowfell, and that he is a shadar-kai
    • He was running from something in the Shadowfell after a “bad break-up” with a powerful entity, and fell into the Feywild
    • Theo doesn’t have much concern about whether the crew investigates the mystery island or not, now that he’s given the message his job seems done
  • Rosie and Toby find one building where Toby says something “like the barge” is inside
    • They get the rest of the team, and they decide to investigate before consulting the maps
    • Rosie uses mage hand to open the door, but there is a string that gets pulled and a noise like breaking ceramic is heard
    • Strange, large, round insects begin swarming out
  • The team fights the swarm while running towards the ship, with all of them anxious that the insects could have some kind of terrible curse like the creatures on the barge
    • Rosie throws oil in the bees, and after getting paralyzed and subsequently pulled along by the party, also shoots a fire arrow at the swarm to finish them off
  • Shaken by the appearance of the insects, the team decides to head out and consult the maps after getting some distance from the island
    • They are able to ascertain the location to be off the western coast of Silvius
    • The Midnight Crew decides to stop at Adlem’s Quay before deciding their next destination
    27th of Hawk, Sprout Day
  • Over night, a thick fog rolls in and suddenly overtakes the Fly By Night
    • The ship crashes into the side of an island, and while checking for damage the crew hears a screaming voice in the foggy distance
    • The crew discovers that the fog not only greatly obscures their forms visually, but also garbles their voices
    • Upon touching each other, they find out that they can mitigate the effect as long as they are in contact
    • The engine of the Fly By Night has become unmoored, and will require a day’s worth of work to fix
  • While on the deck of the ship, Gilda casts Detect Thoughts, and gets only thoughts of hunger. Theo casts message, and receives a reply “You will be consumed”
  • While on deck, Fedaria notices an extra silhouette in the fog
    • The team quickly pairs up except for Graham and Toby, and after Theo uses message and dancing lights, is able to point out which form doesn’t belong
    • Graham shoots the form, and it disappears in one hit
  • The group decides to form a circle with shoulders touching, and a scream is heard again with others answering it
    • Much deliberation is had, and with Graham’s discomfort at touching the others and Theo’s willingness to explore, the two of them descend onto the island
    • Before leaving, Theo tells each party member a password via message - “pickle” - to identify them as real
    • The leave behind a trail of dancing lights, and Gilda adds illusions to help create a trail back to the ship
    • In order to not lose each other, Graham and Theo tie the arms of their coats together, leading Graham to notice that Theo is also “cold”
  • While exploring, footsteps approach the duo on the ground and spherical flesh creature bites at Graham
    • Graham fires the Jezzail at the monster, which the others are able to barely hear
    • Theo identifies the creature as a Deathwalker, a necrotic elemental
    • The rest of the team jumps down from the Fly By Night and eventually find the two elves as well as another couple of Deathwalkers
    • As the group kills each monster, the fog lifts slightly and they can hear each other better
  • After a few close calls, the team is able to kill all three Deathwalkers with Fedaria striking the final blow, and take some time to heal up
  • Upon searching the rest of the small island, they find a marble mausoleum with the words “Here lies the last scion of the house of…” with the rest chipped away intentionally
    • Most of the group investigates the mausoleum while Graham waits further away with a relaxed Theodore
    • The mausoleum appears to be an ancient Celestian building, and at least several hundred years old
    • Gilda, Rosie, and Fedaria are able to move a stone blocking the entrance, and find a sarcophagus inside
    • While the others are in the mausoleum, Graham asks Theo if he’s been to Thellonde, which he denies. Graham then asks why Theo is “like him”, to which Theo replies he isn’t dead, that he has a heartbeat that’s just very slow. He mentions that many creatures of the Shadowfell have this kind of nature
    • After opening the lid of the sarcophagus, the group finds a staff with a circle on the end.
    • As the Midnight Crew decide to use their last scroll of identify on the staff, Toby offers to learn the ritual and cast it for free from then on.
    • Toby identifies the staff as one that adds to healing abilities, and he says that Fedaria should have it.
  28th of Hawk, Tomes Day
  • The team reconvenes and waits until the engines are fixed before setting off towards Adlem’s Quay again
    • Fedaria asks Graham to make a mounting fixture for for old staff, since it has sentimental value. He’s able to create one and awkwardly helps install it in her room
    • Gilda gets some cards of interest during her reading for the day and asks Theo for any more information on the mystery island, but he gives no other details
  • The Fly By Night docks at Blue’s for repairs, and the team leaves him with the axe discovered in the hidden pirate base to give to Mars.
    • Blue lets the team know that Esta is at the Broken Staff like usual
    • Theo is distracted by a spa treatment courtesy of Gilda while the team discusses their next moves
  • At the Broken Staff, the Midnight Crew relays their activities to Esta in the back room
    • Gilda mentions her cards gave her a message about following Theo, and how it could lead to great benefits
    • The team has a lengthy discussion about divine voices, trust, and what they should do
    • They settle on heading to Silvius by way of Pyrrhus, and hitting Elderwood on the way to the mystery island
    • Esta gives them the name of a contact, Dararos, who can be found at bar called “The Green Cap”, and to check with Blue about flying in Silvius
  • Esta mentions some world news as well
  • While the ship is repaired, the crew gets up to various activities
Report Date
14 Sep 2019
Primary Location

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