Session 22 Recap Report in Arcadia | World Anvil
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Session 22 Recap

General Summary

25th of Hawk, Forge Day
  • In the morning, the party discusses their plans. Graham has created a flowchart of possibilities, many of which end poorly for him.
  • Graham explains that Celduin probably wants Graham to teach him a ritual that allows memories to be voluntarily removed and stored in another object
  • Gilda uses sending to communicate with Celduin, discovers that he is paying for information leading to Graham
  • They plan to have Gilda go and talk to Celduin, and see what they can learn.
  • Gilda, disguised as “Harrison North”, goes to talk to Celduin. Others are in waiting close by, some in the bar, some outside.
  • Gilda as Harrison and Celduin have a conversation, in which Celduin allows himself to be put under a zone of truth spell.
  • Celduin reveals that he’s looking for Graham, but doesn’t seem to be looking for a fight - saying he’d prefer Graham alive, not dead.
  • He seems to be after Graham to get him to “stop running”, and “take responsibility”.
  • Eventually Celduin sees through Gilda’s lies, and he tells her to tell Graham he will not be physically harmed, and that he just needs to talk.
  • Gilda leaves and goes to talk to Graham outside the bar. As Graham and Gilda talk, Rosie watches Celduin casts a scrying spell from inside the bar. When the casting is complete, Celduin becomes quite pleased at what he is seeing - which makes Rosie signal danger, and the group scatters.
  • Graham, invisible thanks to Toby’s help, follows Celduin to make sure he doesn’t go after anyone in their crew.
  • Eventually, after more than an hour, everyone ends back up at Arthund's workshop.
  • Rosie says that she thinks that Celduin was scrying on Gilda when she sent the panic message.
  • Graham decides now that Celduin apparently knows about Gilda, that he must go and speak directly to Celduin to try to defuse the situation. Everyone takes places again, in and around the cafe where Celduin is waiting.
  • Graham enters along with Gilda and sits down with Celduin, while Rosie has taken up a position ahead of time to offer support if needed.
  • Graham and Celduin bicker back and forth for a while, and eventually Graham accepts Celduin’s request to teach him the ritual.
  • Graham and Celduin head into a common green space with enough room for Graham to teach Celduin the ritual.
  • While teaching Graham purposefully fudges parts of the ritual so they’re hard to decipher. It appears that he succeeds in fooling Celduin.
  • The ritual taught and learned, Celduin leaves Graham to his devices, looking smug.
  • As soon as he is out of Graham’s eyesight, the smugness wears off, and the rest of the party sees him looking significantly less smug, and perhaps somewhat concerned.
  • Graham immediately heads towards a bar, buys gin, returns to the ship, and begins drinking to excess.
  • The tension gone, the rest of the party heads in various directions, either to Arthund’s, the Broken Staff, or the ship.
  • Graham drinks alone on the Fly by Night, but drunkenly remembers that he still has Arthund’s anti-scrying necklaces, and drunkenly heads to the workshop. On the way, he spots Celduin, panics, and also spots Mars.
  • He drunkenly tells Mars to “Throw him off the docks or something” and continues on to Arthund’s workshop.
  • Mars decides to take action - his frustration and boredom showing through as recklessness.
  • Mars observes Celduin from above for a short time, formulating a plan. He leaps onto Celduin, using the Spellbreaker Gauntlets to both break Celduin’s defenses and his jaw, causing Celduin to have trouble casting spells with verbal components.
  • His jaw broken, and grappled by the very large, very angry Mars, he futilely attempts to cast spell after spell, but his broken jaw prevents any of them from taking effect.
  • Wrestled to the edge of the docks, over the void below, Mars says only “They call me Mars.” before launching the small eladrin into the void.
  • Mars sees Celduin hit the void, and walks off satisfied.
  • Mars returns to the Broken Staff, where he tells those who are assembled there, Gilda, Rosie, and Fedaria.
  • Fedaria storms off at the news.
  • Rosie goes up to try to calm her, but is largely unsuccessful.

Character(s) interacted with

Sky Pirates in Arcadia
Report Date
24 Aug 2019
Primary Location

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