Undómenel the Insightful Character in Arc - Tus | World Anvil
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Undómenel the Insightful

A legend reborn

Written by a troubled Acturus AlbaniTaskweaver and responsibility dodger extraordinaire

Seer Undómena Sappho Galera Yhezswone (a.k.a. Gale of Northbound Wind)

Veilbearer Undómenel the Insightful, or, by her vulgar name, Undómena Yhezswone is the spiritual, political and social leader of the city of Starpath and its ruling sovereign. The youngest person ever to obtain and bear the title of Veilbearer, her reforms within the city's established laws, known as the Codices Legum Magnо̄rum (Protocommon, 'The Codices of Greater Laws'), mostly rectifying legal loopholes and oversights and giving way to greater prevalence of religion and harsher penalties to heretics, has established her in the popular perception as the reincarnation of Caliwënemel the Heavensbound, whose title was the Veiled Planesmisstres, the legendary Veilbearer responsible for the foundation of Starpath.

Born from a humble family in the southeastern reaches of Starpath, Undómenel showed signs of having inherited celestial blood early in her life and being confirmed as an aasimar, she became a candidate for Enveilment when she was only seven years of age, primarily due to her prodigious understanding of politics, religion, philosophy and the rule of law. She was chosen as the Veilbearer of Starpath on the 6th of Leafchange, 1 AE, during the longest night of the year.

Under her rule, the greatest amount of permanent exiles in the city's history have taken place, citing heresy and high treason to the Codices as the primary reasons for doing so, with the most notable examples being the sisters Kiriel and Ebelle Irdome, two magic-users that had discovered information regarding the nature of the city's founding and its original goals. Their trial amassed unrest within the city because of the swift judgement that was handed down, leading some to believe that the Veilbearer has something to hide.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Undómenel can be succinctly described as a lithe woman with apparently plain features and a surprising amount of physical strength. Underneath the padded, bulky formal clothing, her body is shapely and toned, yet most people do not know this. Her back is scarred near her shoulder blades where, at some point, she attempted to remove her wings when she was younger out of fear.

Body Features

Only few people have ever seen the current Veilbearer's body, and they mostly remember the scars that came about her own hand when, in her inexperience, she wielded her weapons recklessly. Other distinguishing marks are the heavenly marks left upon her by her bloodline, tattoo-like, flowing etchings that glow with a soft golden light at night.

Facial Features

Her face is hidden most of the time, so only the people who were around to see her Enveilment remember what she looked like. However, these features are commonly seen by her aide, who helps Undómenel move around the keep, the city and her apartments. As such, he has caught glimpses of her sharp, regal features, as well as the softly glowing markings that distinguish her as distinctly not human. Her eyes are what most unnerved him, however, appearing to be starry orbs with an infinite depth to them.

Identifying Characteristics

Undómenel is immediately identifiable due to her garb, a replica of which no one else in Starpath has the means or the nerve to procure. When the occasion calls for it, she produces a white-and-gold halo consisting of two concentric circles, with the outer one having five evenly distributed circles, which rotate slowly above her head.

Her eyes are also a form to identify her, as their starry sheen is highly characteristic of all the Veilbearers. Some people claim the eyes shine through the veil, yet this is either an illusion or simply an invention.

Physical quirks

Unbeknownst to most people, the current Veilbearer's right arm is slightly longer than her left, although because she was born this way, this has never bothered her. It has made some things slightly inconvenient, like her weapons practice and her writing processes.

Special abilities

Undómenel's special abilities have been granted to her by the gods of the pantheon she follows and the items that identify her as the Veilbearer of Starpath. To date, there has been no confirmation that the Veil of the Wanderer confers any powers, boons or strengths to its wearer, yet the power of the Jewel of Twilight has been seen of many during the heretic purges. Using this item after the target has either drunk or has been forced to drink Shadowdream tea enables Undómenel to administer the harshest punishment in the Codices: astral amnesia and permanent exile from the city.

Besides from this, Undómenel can observe the happenings occurring on other planes of existence, which further adds credence to the claim that she is the Planesmistress reborn.

Apparel & Accessories

Undómenel uses a simplified version of the Veilbearer's clothing, opting to be practical instead of overtly ceremonial.

She wears the Veil of the Wanderer , the suspected heirloom of the god Celestian, as a queen or a king would wear their crown, serving as half of the symbols that represent her status as ruler of Starpath. It grants its wearer certain skills, yet primarily serves to hide the user's face (as it is believed that the voice of the leader is the one thing that needs to be perceived, with all else being little more than distractions), and their worsening blindness, and is only to be taken off when the Veilbearer rests. She chose a set of four five-sided amethysts as her headpiece, with each of the gems representing her strong desire for justice to rule over all. 

The other half that cements her as the leader of the city is the Jewel of Dawning Night, which she likewise uses when on official duties. The beautiful metal-and-gemstone necklace is often a serene blue-purple when being worn by Undómenel.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Long before she had the option to choose her formal name, Undómena Yhezswone was born to a humble family in Southeastern Starpath as the fifth youngest child. However, both parents knew she was different because of the way her eyes and skin glowed, and were able to confirm one of their greatest wishes not long after her birth: their daughter was an aasimar, a child born from the awakening of an ancient line of celestial ancestry and was destined to occupy and important place within the city's power structure, if not leading it altogether. They raised her strictly, expecting their daughter to grow up faster than was feasible.

What neither of them could ever anticipate was the initiative that small Undómena took in regards to her education. Neither of the aasimar's parents could read or write properly, so, on her fifth birthday, she went to the small building that served as Southeastern's library and began to teach herself how to read and write, asking the librarian for help whenever she required it, yet finding it increasingly unnecessary. In little under half a year, she was reading the tenants of the Lemaino Indómë Lissëo (lit. The Will of the Five Graceful Gods, also called the Starlit Pantheon by those who cannot speak High Elvish) and making an acquaintance with the principles of philosophical discourse and rhetoric. it was here that young Undómena discovered her calling in life: to serve the world as a vassal of the city and its gods, graceful, just and serene as they were.

Following this revelation, Undómena would visit the library with increasing frequency, ultimately exhausting its paltry stock of texts related to life in the clergy and the virtues that made a person stand out as more virtuous. She confided in her parents, who had only increased their expectations for her since her sudden urge to learn about everything under the always-twilit sky, that she wanted to start living her life as an acolyte, to which they replied that this had always been their plan.

It just so happened that a member of the Selenine, Starpath's name for its theocratic government, was visiting Southeastern for official business. Undómena caught sight of his robes and began using a rhetoric tool applied by Planesmistress Caliwënemel to determine who would best suit the roles needed to lead the city's wards and distant areas, wherein she would attempt to lead the clergyman to a contradiction within his own logic, thus giving way to new knowledge. Though her efforts didn't quite reach the mark she was aiming for, the cleric was thoroughly impressed by the young child's sharp intellect and knowledge on the subjects they discussed, asking Undómena if he could visit her parents, who promptly accepted the clergyman's proposal to take her to Central Starpath, where the Selenine's main base operations can be found. The last time Undómena saw her family was when she was seven years of age.

Throughout the following years, Undómena reveled in the wealth of information at her disposal, gaining knowledge on a seemingly exponential pace, often outperforming her peers in debates or demonstrating superior understanding of the religion's mysteries when questioned by her teachers, swiftly earning her a consideration for Enveilment at the behest of Redros Wyllgren, the clergyman who had taken her to Central, much to the chagrin of the other members of the Selenine and her fellow acolytes. This only served to push Undómena's drive even further, focusing on becoming as balanced a person could be by following a set of self-imposed rules born from her rigorous studies. Eventually, this philosophy for self-betterment became known as The Path of Five Sides.

However, there was reason to start doubting about Undómena's possibilities as a Veilbearer. Aasimar though she was, there had been no direct manifestation from her guiding angel, a being with direct ties to the celestial realm, which severely affected not only her chances at the Veil, but also the opinion many had of her. On her part, this became a constant preoccupation, scouring her mind in an attempt to find any transgressions, any sins, and misstep that might have prompted this. Yet she would find nothing because there had been nothing. She'd done everything that was ever expected of her and far more, never sinning and keeping in line to what the law, both mortal and divine, stipulated. It wouldn't be until her twelfth birthday when, exhausted from her vigorous physical training and half-delusional from a lack of sleep, she knelt underneath the stars and spoke truly for herself. Not what was expected to come out of her mouth, but her anguish, her angst, her fatigue and her fears that she was wasting her life away for unclear reasons. It was then that a voice sounded within head, gently chiding her for doubting herself yet firmly telling her that hers was a path to excellence. That was Undómena's first contact with Adellum, a being of unknowable power from beyond the plane's horizon.

During her time in the Selestine, she quickly rose through the ranks, obtaining the clearance necessary to perform ceremonies and rituals publicly. Never did she stop training or adhering to the standards she held for herself. Many held intense and vocal envy and resentment towards her because of her seemingly effortless excellence in most of the fields she applied herself in, yet many more held great interest in the potential Undómena had, with word reaching the public that there was a prodigy among the faith's ranks. The flames of speculation were fanned by the Selestine itself, allowing young Undómena with even greater leeway when performing rites and readings, thus leading to the now popular rumor that she was the Planesmistress reborn. Yet another set of expectation had been placed on young Undómena's shoulders, now needing to fill in the millennia-old gap left by the first Veilbearer's sudden departure.

On the 30th of Eversun, 1 AE, Lúmequentel the Willful succumbed to an illness brought about by his age. Thus, the Great Conclave was convened to select one among the possible candidates to become the next Veilbearer. After six days of deliberation, it was decided, through near unanimous vote, that Undómena Yhezswone of Southeastern Starpath would don the Veil of the Wanderer. She then adopted her formal name, Undómenel, meaning 'The truthful light of the heavens'. Her epithet would be assigned to her after the first year of her leadership. During her acceptance ceremony, Adellum descended from the heavens, revealing themselves to be an angel of massive proportions and establishing Undómenel's position with no room for anyone to doubt the validity of her appointment to the Veil.

Immediately after her appointment as Veilbearer, Undómenel began to enact policy reforms to the Codices Legum Magnо̄rum, citing the need to return to a rule of law where religious duties held a greater prevalence, closing legal loopholes and overall bringing Starpath closer to what it had been envisioned as originally. The night after she donned the Veil for the first time, however, she would lose almost all semblance of her personality as it was overwritten with the immense amounts of knowledge that the gods conferred to her. Knowledge of things and events that couldn't be written in any book, or taught by any teacher. The pain this caused was indescribable, rendering her unconscious for an entire day before being able to operate normally.

The following years would go by, their passing marked by the numerous exiles and punishments that were enforced as per the new reforms. There was opposition to this new direction, yet the vast majority of the population agreed with these actions and viewed them as a turn for the better, partially because of the now-widespread myth that Undómenel was the Planesmistress' reincarnation. It wouldn't be until almost twenty years into her leadership that she would face her first real test and Veilbearer.
The sisters Kiriel and Ebelle Irdome, prominent and outspoken priestesses, had supposedly found a piece of lost Starpath history. One which Undómenel knew very well, and one that could not, under any circumstance, be disclosed to the public at large. To remedy this, the Veilbearer had them arrested quietly, intending to have them tried in secret. Because of the sisters' prominence in the public eye, however, the public would soon find out about the arrests and the impending trials. Expediting the process entirely, Undómenel would by judge and jury, the courtroom being Isilmëtúrion's gardens instead of the trying plaza, where all trials were to take place. Some still speak of the extreme loss of composure and breaking of character that the Veilbearer displayed that day, ignoring due process in its entirety and sentencing both sisters to be permanently exiled from the city, removing their memories and casting them from the floating rocks that serve as Starpath's foundation. There was outrage following this hasty decision, yet the threat of growing the number of exiles, as well as an unexpected appearance from a wrathful Adellum ensured that the only people that would keep thinking about the trials would be those foolish enough to talk about them, earning them a quick sentence.

Since then, Undómenel's reign has been peaceful, albeit one ruled through a measure of fear instilled in the population. Not since then has there been an incident that has so thoroughly shaken her rule and resolve, and it is her wish that there is nothing like it while she lives.


For the most part, Undómenel is self-taught. An innate understanding of religion's mysticism made her advance through the faith's texts with great speeds. Her magical power were acquired through years of rigorous study of half-broken tomes in the scarce libraries of Southeastern Starpath. Though prodigious, it was still some time of consistent study before she could hope to claim mastery over the entirety of the lore encompassed in the duty volumes available to her.

Her prowess with weapons was instilled by her father, a city guard whose name has been redacted from all records, before she was even a candidate for Enveilment, and furthered by Ghillos D'zer, the Selenine Guard's captain, throughout her late teenage and early adult years.


Before she was the Veilbearer, Undómenel was a prodigious acolyte who quickly worked her way up the ranks of the clergy, being considered for Enveilment early in her life and known within the monasteries for training herself tirelessly in the god's teaching and in the ways of power and its management. At the age of 26, she became the youngest ruler in Starpath's history, ordained as such because of her extensive knowledge on the mysteries of religion and her natural talent for philosophical rhetoric, which were both paired with prophetic dreams the Moonlit Conclave, the group of elders that can elect the next Veilbearer once the former one perishes. This proved to be only the beginning of Undómenel's lifelong career as the leader of the hidden city, one that is as illustrious as it has been controversial.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Youngest Veilbearer in Starpath's history.
  • Knows of lore both recent and forgotten.
  • Reformed the Codices to great public approval and acclaim.
  • Has lead Starpath firmly and with little incident for a quarter of a century.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Her inability to properly contain the Irdome situation, which led to the entire city finding out about the trials and ignited doubts of the Vaeilbearer's sanity and the true nature of her reforms. This is considered to be Undómenel's only public mistake, and has since been brought up time and again by dissidents.
  • Was not able to contact her guiding angel until she was twelve years of age. Even though she was confirmed as an aasimar, the bond between the two was hazy at best, which led to he r being temporarily disqualified from the Enveilment consideration

Mental Trauma

No-one warned young Undómena of the immense amounts of pressure she would be submitted to when taking her first steps as an acolyte, or how heavy the weight of expectation would feel on her then-small shoulders, nearly dragging her down to the floor after every pace. Likewise, little did people know the mental anguish that was caused by an omnipresent, disembodied voice judging her every move and harshly pointing out her mistakes during her early adolescence, not did they know of the mental strain forging such a connection entailed.

Finally, the fact that most of her personality has been completely erased because of the knowledge acquired when she adopted the Veil is certainly something that causes her a great deal of internal sadness. What little of her remains can be seen in the few activities and small whims she can allow herself.

Intellectual Characteristics

Undómena's illectect is sharp, yet is mostly characteristic for her restraint when exposing her point of view during a debate, when passing down judgement or when addressing the city in her weekly talks, preferring her reasoning and arguments to stand on the merit of knowing when to use them instead of goading about her acquired knowledge.

Morality & Philosophy

Undómenel's core philosophy follows the logic that all living beings were created by the gods, and thus must strive to be their best possible selves to ever hope to repay such a magnanimous gift. Being one's best self, in turn, implies vigorous training of one's mind, body, spirit, willpower and faith. Such a way of thinking has been condensed into what people call 'The Path of Five Sides'

Another key trait for her worldview exists in her desire to view everyone, with the exception of sinners and criminals, as standing on equal footing regardless of birthright or station.

The current Veilbearer holds a strict, inflexible worldview where justice is concerned. There are no valid excuses for crimes to be committed, or for blasphemy to be spoken. Both cases must be punished according to the gravity of their transgressions. However, she is not above forgiveness, stating that the path to redemption is filled with opportunities to grow, should the person who committed the felony truly be repentant and willing to live up for their mistakes.


Removing her veil while in public, which has never been done by any Veilbearer in the history of Starpath.

More personally, however, no one is to speak outright blasphemy to her, nor are they to commit a crime in her presence. Not only will she judge them then and there, but they are most likely to be found guilty.

Personality Characteristics


Undómenel's main motivation is to bring about a new age of legend through the resurrection of Starpath's glorious origins, doing so in order to serve the goddess Azura. To this end, she has reverted, revoked or rewritten many laws that did not fit with Starpath's original vision for an isolated retreat from all the world's sins.

Above else, however, what she only ever wanted was to be remembered long after her death and become a legend. While all her actions are earnest and in service to Starpath and its people, she secretly hopes that she can endure the test of time es Undómenel, not as the Plansemistress Reborn.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Above all else, Undómenel is a master of religious history and lore, knowing everything there is to know about her faith and many others from around the multiverse. She is also talented in the rule of law, political administration and philosophical rhetoric.

While training her body for the endurance necessary to adopt the mantle of the Veilbearer, she surprised herself by noticing how adept she was at handling bladed weaponry and how much she enjoyed practicing with double-bladed swords and heavier arms, like halberds and two-handed greataxes.

Undómenel is also a proficient spellcaster, knowing the ins and outs of weaving spells into the world through divine magic to protect or to destroy.

However, she's always struggled with the subtleties inherent to battle tactics, preferring either a direct approach or someone else to plan them out, most clearly evidenced by her complete lack of talent when faced with a strategy board game, such as chess.

Undómenel is also quite incompetent when dealing with technology that does not operate by magical or divine means, and even in those cases she has trouble understanding how to operate such artifacts.

Undómenel's worst failing is, in her opinion, her limited medical knowledge, citing that she simply cannot learn the complete workings of every single race's anatomy, exceptions and poison's specific to that person's race. Close to this regard, Undómenel does not know how to properly treat many ailments and common occurrences without asking the gods for aid in the matter.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Religious and philosophical debate
  • Reading
  • Practicing with weapons
  • Writing plays and short poems
  • The soft breeze that blows through Isilmëtúrion's gardens
  • The sound the fountain waters make when they trickle down
  • Tactics-oriented discussions
  • Considering the applications of her weapons training
  • The idea of someone reading her plays and short poems
  • Excessive noise
  • Remembering
  • Untidy rooms

Virtues & Personality perks

Undómenels understanding of religion confers her with a great deal of patience and clemency when dealing with petitioners in every day life. Her voracious thirst for knowledge not only lead to her Enveilment, but also to the informed and learned decisions she has taken over her reign.

She takes great pride not only in her knowledge, but in the strength of her faith. It is this zeal, one that appears to give her an ethereal glow when she speaks, which has convinced a great portion of those living in Starpath that this is, in fact, a legend reborn guiding them with a just hand.
Undómenel also values life greatly, seeing most living beings as having a place and role in the world and is willing to defend them from a hostile force if need be.

What separates her from past Veilbearers is the fact that she puts her position aside when talking to almost anyone and talking and treating them as equals. This, in turn, has ensured that she never forgot about the less fortunate members of Starpath, frequently visiting them to relieve them from their ailments.

Vices & Personality flaws

Undómenel the Insightful's greatest perceived virtue is also her undoing flaw. The religious zeal with which she pursues and interrogates people suspected to be heretics does away with most of the composure expected from the Veilbearer of Starpath. Though she is just, Undómenel will not hesitate to use her position of power to convict a supposed enemy of the faith, sidestepping the correct procedure that needs to happen because of this pursuit, as was the case with Ebelle and Kiriel Irdome.

Even though she is clement and understanding, most times she is inflexible and unable to see beyond the established law to determine why an individual committed the crimes they did, or what the meaning behind their suspected heresy might be. Instead, things either fall under the rule of law or they do not.

Personality Quirks

She's prone to flick her head quickly to one side if annoyed, and has been known to organize her hair (even when it clearly does not need tidying up) when she makes a mistake regarding any of her fields of knowledge.

Undómel also has peculiarity of flourishing her quill before writing, much in the way that one would brandish a sword or a rapier. If she does this when particularly enthused, she is wont to spill ink droplets everywhere.


Undómenel, as is expected of a figure with a need to maintain a pristine public image, has impeccable hygiene, bathing every day and maintaining body odors away with lavender-scented fragrances and perfumes.


Contacts & Relations

She and her position are inseparable from the Lemaino Indómë Lissëo, being its highest authority and being directly connected with all of its priests, warriors, monks, acolytes and high figures.

To date, there has been no attempted contact between Undómenel and the world underneath, as it has been for the past seventeen centuries.

Family Ties

Undómenel's siblings and parents are alive and well. However, because of her vows and responsibilities as Veilbearer, she has not had direct, unfiltered contact with any of them since her Enveilment. The position does not allow for family or those with close ties to the Veilbearer to take up residence inside Isilmëtúrion, either.

Social Aptitude

Undómenel is a talented orator, leading the audience that gathers to hear her five times every week, managing to capture and maintain the crowd's attention and inflame their faith every time they hear her speak.

When she isn't talking to a crowd, Undómenel keeps to herself out of a lack of real social communication skills, even if she longs for conversation.

Polite, courteous and deeply respectful, Undómenel will talk to anyone like an equal, even if their standings are wildly different unless she is exercising her role as Master of Law, wherein she adopts a cold, haughty persona.


Undómenel keeps her arms within her sleeves at almost all times, moving them in small, graceful movements when she speaks in front of a crowd and when in audience with someone else. Otherwise, she mostly goes about her duties quietly, speaking softly when she requires assistance and making it a point to never raise her voice.

She can, however, adopt a harsh edge when it is needed. This happens when she enforces the law. when in this state, it would almost seem as she's an entirely different person, moving her arms in curt, restricted sweeps that emphasize her zeal.

Hobbies & Pets

Undómenel always wanted a pet cloudbird, yet her duties as Veilbearer would leave no time for its care.

As for hobbies, the little spare time she does have comes before she rests, which she uses to enjoy some light reading and writing. Her fading eyesight, however, is making this more difficult every year. Recently, she took up the lyre once again, and can usually be heard throughout the keep as she sings while playing.


Undómenel speaks softly yet clearly, betraying little to no accent. This, combined with her station, ensures that many either lower their tone of voice or stop talking altogether in order to hear her.

However, when administering justice, it is likely that one would hear a slight tinge of Southeastern Starpath's dialect, wherein certain words are extended beyond their usual sounds.

Wealth & Financial state

Undómenel is the highest authority in Starpath, occupying an equivalent position to a monarch in any other country. By all accounts and means, there nothing within the city's considerable confines that she cannot obtain by asking for it or through purchase, although the latter rarely happens because the people of Starpath do not accept the payment.

Her position entitles her to Isilmëtúrion, the Veilbearer's keep and main seat of power. The ruler's apartments are comfortable and spacious, occupying about a quarter of the entire keep's northern wing, which she has always found as excessive.

However, Undómenel, and all past Veilbearers for that fact, have always rejected notions of material gain, citing it as a distraction and something to be avoided. This has not stopped most, if not all, previous rulers from using the Treasury's considerable means for renovations and investments that would otherwise be considered unnecessary. Undómenel put an end to this trend.
True Lawful
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Revered Veilbearer of Starpath
  • Veiled Nova of Promised Return
  • Seer of All Thing Astral and Divine
  • Lady of Dancing Starlight
  • Planesmistress Reborn
Date of Birth
15th of Hero's Rest, 25 BE
Year of Birth
25 BE/ASE 51 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born during the Trailing Skylights, the name of a yearly meteor shower, as the youngest of five, with her being confirmed as an aasimar by the Selenine, a religious authority in Starpath
Southeastern Starpath
Current Residence
Isilmëtúrion, the Veilbearer's palace
Slanted, starry
Long, straight, silver hair with crimson and gold streaks decorating it
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, yet slightly tan
1.85 m (6.1 ft)
61 kg (134 lbs)
Quotes & Catchphrases
Her most famous phrase comes in the form of a farewell which slightly alters a traditional Starpath saying. Instead of May your day be bountiful and your night full of stars, she says May your days be long and plentiful, and may your nights be filled with peace and light.

Another known, frequent saying of hears can oft be heard when she presides over a trial, wherein she will coldly state that When justice bends, it breaks.
Known Languages
A polyglot by profession and interest, Undómenel is fluent in most languages known to mortals, with the exception of Undercommon, Aurean and Infernal, for which she's found no interest or talent for learning.

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