Arburg History of Arburg Timeline
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History of Arburg

This is a timeline that has the most important events of Arburg's history in it. If you want to see the timeline of the past kings of Arburg, visit this link: Kings of Arburg

Everly Era

... 84 AY

  • 1 AY

    1 /1

    Creation of the monarchy
    Political event

    King Howard I created the monarchy of Arburg. Since then, the years have been keeping track of how long Arburg has been in existance.

  • 74 AY

    7 /3
    79 AY

    25 /7

    Construction of the Dame
    Construction beginning/end

    King Arthur I commissioned the construction of this theatre in 74, five years into his reign. He felt that Arburg had a cultural vacuum that needed to be filled.

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    The Dame

Lynn Era

124 AY 183 AY

  • 134 AY

    16 /8 08:00
    134 AY

    20 /8 06:00

    Mermaid Cyclone
    Disaster / Destruction

    This natural disaster hit in 134 and lasted a total of 4 days. It ravaged the coast of Arburg and other parts of the coast.

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