Touched Species in Arbor | World Anvil
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Within the walls of Arbor under the The Great Tree's leaves there are occasions where a person is born touched by the elements. The exact reasons for this is still largely unknown though like most things in the city the reasons are assumed to be related to the Tree and it's many still unsolved mysteries. Each of the touched is different they usually exhibit an affinity for a particular element or in some cases concept that leads to physical alterations that are representative of their specific inclination. There is not telling where a touched might be born or what they might look like when they come out, the one thing they share in common though is a higher than average affinity to magic and are thus both sought after and sometimes hidden by those wishing to avoid the spotlight that it brings.  
"Don't stare, it's rude to stare and before you open your mouth I don't care if his hair is on fire it's still rude to stare!" - A mother admonishing her child staring at a Flame Touched

Physical Characteristics

Each of the touched exhibits some physical differences between each other though each one maintains a broadly humanoid shape with 2 arms 2 legs a head and the ability to speak. This though is where each one diverges sometimes wildly including the addition of wings, tails or flames for hair. Each of the touched is unique in their own way but all are special. The 8 types currently known about are the 4 elemental variants Earth Air Flame and Water and the 4 Planar Types Celestial, Fae, Infernal and Shadow. It should be noted that any species can become one of the touched this can and has led to problems when the question of infidelity is broached by either partner.  


  Those exhibiting an affinity for air have a number of traits that most share across themselves. Their skin takes on a light blue, gray or pale colour, reminiscent of a clear summers day or the stormy skies of spring. in addition their hair exhibits cloud like properties seemingly acting more like clouds or puffs of steam than actual hair though it can be cut and grows as normal.


  Earth touched take on a craggy rock like appearance, their skin becomes hard and brown to slate gray and perhaps has small scales if they didn't already exhibit them. If they have any hair and many are bald it will appear almost as if there were large spikes of stone jutting up from their scalp or in rare cases crystal like structures in the shape of hair. In addition their eyes take on a yellow hue reminiscent of a topaz.


  Flames are a source of heat and warmth but also dangerous, for those with the affinity for fire though the physical manifestations are rather shocking. Their hair becomes like a flame and seems to be affected by their mood igniting to a full blaze in moments of excitement or passion and dimming in the context of fear or nervousness. In addition their skin colour is closely reminiscent of the glow from a forge or the red of a sun rise.


  Cooling water, the touched of this variety take into themselves many aspects of water from their everflowing cascade of hair that can appear like a eternal waterfall. To their skin which is checkered with scales and tends to be of blue or deep green variety causing the mind to spring to the colours of a deep sea.


  Unlike many others those touched by the celestial planes find it much easier to hide amongst those who are not graced with gifts such as these. For the most part they exhibit no outward appearances that could notify someone that they were not talking to a non touched individual. For those looking closer though there is an almost radiant quality about them and they seem to have an otherworldly ness about them. However some very rare variants have full on angelic like wings sprouting from their backs or even a small golden halo that seems to hover in place.


  No one is entirely sure if the Fae touched belong in the same category as the rest, there is some confusion as to if they are the product of the same process that brings about the rest or not. However what is known is that like the others they seem to appear at random. As for characteristics there are two that they seem to all share first is the pointed ears that mark them most obviously the second is a significant increase in lifespan though this is less well known as up until they reach adulthood they age at the same rate as everyone else but can live well into their second century. In addition though there are a few more extreme examples that have small insect like wings, or the bottom half of a horse or goat. You see why there is some confusion then.


  Those of the Infernal variety have some of the most extreme modifications of any of the touched. Skin colour can be nearly anything from deep scarlets to bright purple and pinks to anything in between and beyond. However something they share more in common is a set of horns a tail and they lack a pupil at all simply having pools of some colour for eyes. Some can have bat like leather wings as well in addition to the other features and some variants can have goat like cloven feet.


  The shadow touched seem to be a mirror of the Fea Touched and the most common variety appear as long eared and long lived types of the same in the Fae. Where they differ though is the eyes, the shadow seem to have lost much of the pigment of their Fae cousins and this same loss of pigment extends to their hair. Almost all of the Shadow Touched have bright white hair almost completely devoid of colour, theri skin shares a similar pigment loss.

Extraordinary Abilities



The Air touched have a few extraordinary abilities that they all seem to share, first they seem to be able to hold their breath indefinitely or is it that they don't need to breathe either way this makes them excellent in cases where either underwater exploration is required or in the case of poisonous gasses need to be navigated. In addition Air touched are more resistant to lightning and electricity seemingly able to survive jolts that would down similar people. They also can call on the air to perform some small feats of magic wielding electricity from their fingertips, slowing their fall or in more powerful individuals completely holding a person aloft.  


Among the abilities of the Earth touched are the extraordinary talent of hardening their skin against the most common weapons that would be brought against an individual. Furthermore as long as they have their feet planted upon stone or earth which is honestly most of Arbor no matter how treacherous the path little seems to slow them down seemingly gliding through the earth itself. Finally they can quiet their footsteps and those around them for the purposes of remaining undetected, this silencing seems to be an extension of their earth gliding ability as the ground itself softens at each step.  


As one might guess the Fire or Flame touched are resistant to any kind of fire be it magical or otherwise, their skin seemingly unable to burn as easily as most. They also have a small control over flames in the world able to produce flames in their hands, launch it out in a cone and in the cases of more powerful individuals wield them as blades.  


As those with an affinity for water they gain a number of traits, firstly they are resistant to most forms of acid making them suitable in places where toxic chemicals are being utilised. In addition they are truly amphibious being able to breathe on both the land and in the water and most are natural born swimmers. Finally They have some mastery over water itself able to produce it from the air, destroy it or even walk along the surface should they master their skills.  


Seemingly infused with angelic might those touched by celestial energies have a natural resistance to radiant and necrotic energies. Along with this they can perform some minor amount of healing simply though touch, though it's their final ability that can truly be frightening for those who witness it. In times of stress or even high passion the celestial energies within can radiate outwards and manifest in a few different ways, the most notable of which is a pair of wings either physical or ethereal, while in this state they are significantly more powerful and much of their attacks are enhanced with either radiant or necrotic energies.  


The Fae touched incredibly varied by individual as mentioned previously though a few common traits are shared across them all. First they seem to no longer sleep and instead enter into a kind of meditative trance this renders them immune to most forms of magical sleep. In addition they have a resistance to much of the charm effects by the enchantment schools of magic. The more common variety also seems to have far sharper senses. As for the more uncommon variants abilities vary wildly to abilities tied to the seasons or more complex charming magics along with the ability to fly using wings.  


It might come as no surprise but the Infernal touched have a natural resistance to fire, similar to the flame touched they seem resistant to burning so make excellent workers in the forges and steam plants. In addition to this most have access to some form of infernal based magics calling on powers from places beyond, the way this manifests varies from person to person though and some can produce flames and rebuke individuals attacking them while others seem to have access to poisons and pestilence it seems there is some variations here.  


Those touched by shadow share some commonalities with their fae touched cousins however, while they seem to have retained their lack of sleep, charm resistance and better senses, the shadow touched in addition have gained a resistance to necrotic damage and the ability to see in the dark. There are rumors though of some variants able to change their shape at will though how true these or not some tale designed to scare children at night remains to be see.  


No one is exactly sure when the touched first started appearing in Arbor though they have been recorded as existing in Arbor for nearly as long as the First Walls went up. Perhaps it was that the first children born touched did not exhibit as an extreme affinity for their specific type as they began to in later years and they have always been around though far more hidden. Perhaps it is that those born like this were shunned or worse killed before what some believed to be deformity was allowed to grow to fruition. Either way the first recorded appearance of a touched individual was an Infernal touched.  

A Touch of Darkness

When the first of the touched began to make themselves known the populace were horrified by their appearance, the horns, red skin and pools of gold for eyes conjured images of demons and devils that the church took full advantage of. The poor child and their parents were vilified and chased from Arbor for simply being what they were. Soon though more were born touched of different varieties coming in all shapes and sizes though the population total was still small it became difficult to ignore that this might not be what they first thought.  

Days of Sorrow

Mass hysteria began to spread the thought that this was some kind of disease that could infect pregnant women took hold, charlatans offering tinctures and cures to prevent the blight from affecting your unborn children ran rampant preying on the desperate. Some resorted to more extreme methods forcible removal of horns and tails, ear cutting, barbarism of all kinds took place in those day though some practices are still performed to this day in secret. The church for it's part stirred the emotions of the populace saying that The Great Tree was angry and was blighting their children that they had not given enough or prayed hard enough to it. For it's effort the church pulled in staggering amounts of money and grew fat off the hysteria.  

A New Beginning

While all this was going on though many in the Collegiate Arcanum suspected that the touched were merely a product of the high density of aether in the air around Arbor that somehow there was a bleed through from places far beyond that was gifting children with unique abilities that perhaps could be useful. They began defying the church hiding children away who developed these changes because though they were shunned outside the colleges walls inside they were just another student and many parents were all too happy to be rid of them. Because of these acts though slowly the information of what the touched truly were began to be spread and while they did not know the exact cause the College offered a better alternative, the children were not a blight but a gift from the tree.  

The Status Quo

So now you had two competing theories blight or gift, and as it stands at present if you ask someone on the street there is a good chance they will tell you one or the other on a 50/50 chance. Gone is the mass hysteria of ages long past and replaced with something far more insidious a kind of fear and hatred that goes unnoticed by most except for those that experience it directly, by being denied work or places in schools. The days of being murdered in the streets are gone but some would argue the slow death that occurs these days is far worse.  


  Mechanically the touched correspond to the some of the races in the D&D players handbook the one major difference being that the only race who have dark vision is the Shadar kai, all other races lose this ability all together.

Arbor Race

Players Handbook Race(s)

Air Touched Air Genasi
Earth Touched Earth Genasi
Flame Touched Fire Genasi
Water Touched Water Genasi
Celestial Touched Asimar
Fae Touched Elf, Half Elf, Eladrin, Fairy, Satyr, Sea Elf
Infernal Touched Tiefling
Shadow Touched Shadar Kai, Changeling, Duergar, Deep Gnome, Drow
Void Touched Gith
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution


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