John "Black Lung" Smith Character in Arbor | World Anvil
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John "Black Lung" Smith

John is a member of the The Davey Lamps in good standing at least for now. He's an old miner that usually does as he's told but these days he appears to be getting a bit antsy with the amount of money he's being paid.  
"I'm tired aight tired of always being on the bottom of everyone's shoe " - John "Black Lung" Smith


He fits the stereotype of a Victorian miner, with rough hands and a strong build from years of hard physical labor. He has a thick beard and a perpetually gruff expression, and his skin is tanned and weathered from years spent working underground. He wears a battered leather jacket and trousers stained with coal dust, and carries a battered Davey Lamp on his belt.  


John is a loyal Davey Lamp or at least loyal to the people he works with. John will do whatever it takes to help out a fellow miner and he isn't above taking matters into his own hands should the need for violence arise  


A miner man through and through, he's become something of a fixture down in the dark he'll probably die down there and in all honesty they will probably bury him there which would suite John just fine.  


Two rumors pertain to john wether either is true is left up to you.  

Dragon Band

Supposedly John is a member of the band "Damsel in Distress" a small time band barely even worth mentioning. They play in a few pubs around Arbor.  

Assassin Work

The second rumor may have more credibility and deals with the more shady side of the Davey Lamp business. John is or at least was an assassin for hire dragging people into walls or floors and simply leaving them there to suffocate or be shunted out into the sewers where they are eaten by slimes. As to how good he was or how successful John is still alive after all this time if he was a killer for the Lamps and he's made it to old age he must be fairly accomplished to do so.  


John is a Surveyor for the Davey Lamps and as such is in possession of the special magics that allow him to pass into solid rock and earth.  


Davey Lamp


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