The Common Floomel Species in Aradeia | World Anvil

The Common Floomel

Hidden in luscious fields between cabbage and carrots, right beneath the earthy surface, live the unassuming, adorably looking floomels. Floomels are rabbit-like rodents with a surprisingly intelligent personality. They have ears that resemble the vegetables surrounding them and a body so close to roots in their appearance that many have mistaken them for carrots at first glance. Their sleek, bright orange coloured fur is so striking that they would have probably gone extinct if they didn't stay below ground most of the time. Their eyes are dark and quite large to receive as much light and colour as possible. Their wriggly little noses sport long, crooked whiskers.
Even though their looks might make you wonder that they might have a marvelous sense of hearing, as you would expect from a member of the rabbit family, the common floomel is hard of hearing and mostly reacts to vibrations in and on the ground. They communicate by stomping their hind legs on the floor and flapping their front paws and ears to a rhythm reminding one of morse code and sign language. Their facial expressions are quite limited. They are not that expressive, but certainly cute.
Many farmers have found these adorable creatures in their vegetable garden and taught them how to pluck their own vegetables, making them their loyal companions. Floomels love to bind themselves to individuals and are often held as pets on the countryside in Lorla (the home area of the Omni), and beyond.

Basic Information


  • two front, two hind paws, meaty hind legs
  • two large ears mimicking the top of several green vegetables
  • bright orange fur (some breeding variations show violet and off-white as well
  • big, dark eyes, usually brown
  • crooked whiskers

Genetics and Reproduction

Floomel reproduce from spring to autumn, only avoiding winter due to a lack of nutrition available on the fields. They build tiny nests underground after carrying their nestlings for three months. After giving birth, the nestlings are kept in their nests for two more months, before the babies can leave their nests to learn how to walk and dig.
Floomels brought up as pets are more physically active on the surface, making them stronger and more intelligent than wild specimen.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • hearing impaired
  • extraordinary night vision
  • perfect sense of touch
  • intricate sense of smell
  • highly intelligent and eager to learn
  • can use small gadgets if shown how to use them
by Noah_Oowada
Scientific Name
Holus Cuniculus
Conservation Status
Since many people in Lorla have fallen in love with these fluffy beings, they are protected under the law of the Omni. Individuals are encouraged to keep floomels as pets, tame and breed them, as long as they take good care of them. Since floomels have a lot of natural predators, this is definitely needed.

Cover image: by Noah_Oowada


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Aug 6, 2023 16:04 by Molly Marjorie

oooh! Vegetable-critters? How unique! I love how you considered their environment when designing them--they obviously evolved to resemble the vegetables around them, and their good night vision and ability to communicate via vibrations also come from living in the dirt. I also like how people have taught them how to help harvest vegetables. I can see why though. I wouldn't want to kill one. They're too cute!

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