Session 7: Old Owl Well Report in Arabeth | World Anvil

Session 7: Old Owl Well

General Summary

Day 4 on the Road - ZOMBIES!

Continued the fight against the Amanita Zombies that we lured away from the camp, while Captain Borland and Wrin Becklam advance.  
Meta Game Notes
  • Cernan hit last session by a zombie's spores.
  • Stormy also got hit by the spores
  • At disadvantage for 1 min (10 rounds)

  •   Captain Borland climbed into in a nearby tree to sneak up on us. As one of the Renewed, he spews the nasty spores. But Rashid's witch bolt lightning made Borland's head explode!   VICTORY!   We eliminate all but 1 zombie, whom we tie up, for examination. Cernan tries learns it is a PLANT. Parasitic mushroom in the brain of the zombies. So they are NOT UNDEAD, but the spore is mushroom. We burned the zombies. None are fresh kills.   The Renewed, like Borland, are humans who also have spores growing out of their heads. But in this case, they have a mushroom at the base of their skull.   Looting commences.  
    The air shimmers and whirls, catching our attention. Cernan knows Arabeth is about to speak. She appears as a toddler to us, no longer a baby. As she speaks she gives our adventurers each gifts to help them along the way. Most notably, Cernan receives the ability to detect and destroy the spores.    
    This world is at risk. More than any of the others ever were. I will not see this one fall. Amanita must be stopped.

    I give to you the power to turn the spores.

    Beware, as your power grows you will prove to be a greater threat to her. She will seek to destroy you, and will seek to destroy me through you.

    Be strong.

    And you, companions of my paladin, you must be strong as well. I give you all a portion of my power. The power of life and freedom.

    As the saplings grow so will you.


    Defend this world

    Mark my words. This world will not fall!
    — Arabeth
      Cernan heals us from the spores and clears out the dusting of spores in the surrounding area.


    Day 5 on the Road

    Rashid takes the Ring of Protection.  
    Meta Info

    Ring Of Protection



    You gain a +1 bonus to AC and Saving Throws while wearing this ring.

      Heading to Thunder Tree, a few days down the trail. We took the extra horse. Shimmer wants to ride that horse, but it doesn't go well. She pouts.


    Day 8 - At Thundertree

    Thunder Tree Map
    Thunder Tree
    (yellow is where we have investigated)

    The town is very overgrown. Ruined buildings with trees growing out of them.  
    Abandoned after the eruption of a volcano (30 years ago).
      We scout the town. In the south we come across a small reinforced house in decent condition. Reidoth is his name. He's a little wary of us at first, but invites us in.   He's a druid, from Aladore, that keeps care of the trees (the roots) of the town. They talk to him when its very quiet.   The people (5 of them) in the keep (NE side of town) like the green dragon. Reidoth thinks the people at the keep are bad people.   The dragon is half the size of Reidoth's house and eats the big spiders. It came 4 moons ago. Sometimes the dragon flies over the house at dusk, when it's hungry.  
    He wants us to get rid of the green dragon. Says, he'll cook stew for us if we do. (It might be spider stew...)
      The spiders are down the road to the east. Can't miss thier big web.   Stormy tries to talk to the trees. Nada. But Reidoth is a really old druid guy, might actually talk with them. Who knows. She also asks if Reidoth know's Mirna (also from Thundertree), but he does not.   We ask to leave our horses at the house. He'll watch over them and yell if they are in danger.  
      Next we investigate the 2 delapidated structures north of Reidoth's place and and encounter several groups of twig blight   Stormy places a bet that Thoradin will take out more than Cernan.  
    Meta Gaming:
    Last total: Thoradin 3, Cernan 4. (Do we have a rivalry forming?)

    Known Dangers:
  • green dragon
  • zombies roam
  • spiderweb with giant spiders
  • twig blights



    Seran was treating you with kidgloves, witness the true power of renewal.
    — Borland
    (Then he spews spores. Dies spectacularly - his head explodes.)
    Oh they're watching the dragon.
    — Reidoth
    (When asked what the other people in Thundertree are doing.)


    To Do

    Add horse statblocks to the horses and create pages for the riding horses + pictures + add pictures.
    Mike V. - Arabeth Speech
    Mike C. - update treasure
    Finalize the extras you'll get from Arabeth and update character sheets
    Add Arabeth picture (generated) to her profile
    Two sessions in October?

    Rewards Granted

    Gifts from Arabeth

    can turn the spores and detect spores
    can increase a stat by 2 or choose a feat. PHB pg 165 has feats


    160 each + 60 XP -> (1250 XP total now)

    Created Content

    New Articles

    old druid at Thundertree
    followers of Amanita can spew spores and have one of her mushrooms growing out of the back of their necks.
    Stormy's horse + picture
    Rashid's horse + picture
    Cita's horse + picture
    Pack horse (claimed by Shimmer, but doesn't like her. Amy's having fun with this after someone suggested the dragon would think she is a person too.)


    Updated Articles

    Amanita Zombies
    not undead, corpse controlled by Amanita Mushroom
    Amanita Mushroom
    added notes on the spores
    now appears as a toddler. Added portrait.
    Thunder Tree
    added Reidoth, what we know of the history, and the green dragon
    updated blurb + picture
    updated blurb + picture


    Report Date
    10 Sep 2022
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


    Session Reports


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