Karthland Geographic Location in Ara | World Anvil
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Karthland is a temperate continent of thick forests and broad plains. It is located north of Terre de Collines and is considered the least “civilized” of the southern continents, though typically not the most dangerous. The western half of the continent experiences a sem-arid climate while the eastern half tends to experience the opposite with ample rainfall and more temperate climates. Much of Karthland is flat and windy with two major mountain ranges. While Karthland has the lowest population of humans among the southern continents, it is perhaps one of the most diverse continents in terms of cultures. Karthland was named for the Karrvolk Tribe of Humans. The Karrvolk tribe was originally fairly nomadic, traveling across the region of what is now the Eastern Plains in caravan carts pulled by oxen. They were generally welcomed by other tribes and their area and served as a means of trade and information amongst the other tribes in the area. The regions visited by the Karrvolk were informally known as Karrfeld (lit. “Cart Fields'') When the Empire arrived, they took to calling the entire continent Karrfeld which, in time became the Imperial equivalent - Karthland, as “Karth Folk” (eventually just “Karth”) was the Imperial name for the Karrvolk.


Karthland is predominantly flat and fairly low, but two large mountain ranges rise up in the middle and western regions. While these mountains, especially the western mountains, are not as high as other mountains in Arterra, their contrast with the relatively flat and low-lying plains and forests make them appear much taller and more sheer.


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