Ferrégine Character in Ara | World Anvil
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The Tyrant, The Iron Queen, The Lady of Schemes (a.k.a. Ohtidis, Fachtrígain, Vassiliki)

Ferrégine is a cruel and commanding goddess. She is the goddess of tyranny, schemes, and betrayal. She allegedly plots and manipulates events and people within the Material plane to some further goal. Many believe this goal to be domination as Ferrégine believes her followers are the only people fit to rule the world and that all others are corrupt and must be slain or subjugated. However, she doesn't seem to harbor any preference as to which of her people fulfills this desire, often pitting the various factions of her followers against one another. Because of this, others believe her goal is to find the strongest souls to serve her before attempting any outright conquest. Finally, others believe she has no deeper motive at all and manipulating people, including her own followers, is its own reward.   While Ferrégine will lie to get what she wants, she is not heavily associated with lies or deception. She prefers instead to manipulate her victims with half-truths, cryptic or misleading statements, exact wording, or statements which are true from certain, non-obvious, viewpoints. She is widely known as a goddess who rarely lies, but also as a being who should never been trusted or taken at face value. Those who seek to control or dominate their foes may offer her prayers, but her help is not reliable. Ferrégine also sees worship among warriors and those who seek to subjugate others.

In the Central Pantheon - Ohtidis

Ohtidis is the goddess of revenge and domination. She is a cruel, merciless goddess who seeks to command and control those who do not obey her. To her followers she parcels out her domain for them to rule as her subordinates. She delights in tempting mortals into acts of cruelty and depravity in pursuit of their revenge. If she can engineer things in such a way as to encourage the revenge-seeking party to wrong someone else who will, in turn, seek revenge on them, even better.

In the Western Pantheon - Fachtrígain

Fachtrígain is the ancestor-goddess of cruelty, conquest, and betrayal. She seeks to take control of the two worlds and deny mortal souls the chance to ascend by reducing them to slaves who toil beneath her lash. She tempts mortals to commit acts of base cruelty and self-service while leading them away from truly glorious acts which might allow them to ascend. She is often depicted as Dubnomar's queen, though they are also sometimes portrayed as rivals or, rarely, both.

In the Southern Pantheon

Ferrégine is the goddess of schemes, ambition, rulers, and command. She is not a forgiving deity as she embodies the belief that a ruler should have a firm, unquestionable authority over those they rule. Ferrégine seeks power and aids those who do likewise. She plots and manipulates events to advance herself and her status. Her followers advance her goals in exchange for a portion of her power and a chance to rule others as her subordinate.   Ferrégine abhors disobedience and disloyalty, despite her association with betrayal in most other pantheons. In the Southern Pantheon, she demands absolute obedience of her followers to both her and to their respective leaders. For this reason, this aspect of her domain is obviously more popular with those in power than those who serve them, though her association with ambition appeals to mortals of all social standing.   Ferrégine is often seen as the counterpart to Celestine and the two are typically linked in opposing roles. This is often through Théophane as wives, rival consorts, or sisters. Details vary from story to story, but some things remain the same. Of special note is Ferrégine's use of undead, which Celestine abhors.

In the Eastern Pantheon - Vassiliki

Vassiliki is the goddess of order and control. She is the careful plan, the controlled variable, the pattern recognized. Vassiliki is viewed as much more of a postitive influence than most of her counterparts. Without her aid, mortals would be subject to the random and unpredictable events of fate. She grants mortals the ability to predict the future by recognizing trends, plan for future events, and mitigate the damage of unforseen events. However, as with her counterpart Otis, Vassiliki's reach must be limited. If left unchecked, her domain can often dovetail into tyranny and domination as it does for many of her incarnations in other Pantheons. Vassiliki is one half of the dual deity Grigorious, the deity of the future, of the unknown, fate, and of balance.

In the Northern Pantheon


In the Wandering Pantheon


Divine Domains

In the Imperial Pantheon

Elves, Conquest, Schemes, Tyranny

In the Central Pantheon

Revenge, Domination

In the Western Pantheon

Cruelty, Conquest, Betrayal, Slavery

In the Southern Pantheon

Schemes, Ambition, Rulers, Command

In the Eastern Pantheon

Control, Order, Plans

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ferrégine's symbol is an iron helmet adorned with many spikes and edges, entirely without curves

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

In the Imperial Pantheon

Ferrégine appears as a woman covered in dark plate armor. Her features are obscured, but her armor is angular and adorned with spikes and sharp edges. She carries an iron scepter, similar to many royal scepters. She is often depicted with a pair of wings (either as part of her armor or as her actual wings protruding through her armor) with long links of chains instead of rows of feathers.

In the Central Pantheon

Ohtidis is a tall, lean woman dressed in a collection of leathers with metal plates and chains. She wields a large, flanged mace. Her head is that of a spider.

In the Western Pantheon

Fachtrígain is a large, androgynous orc with steel-gray skin and horns on her head. She has long, wicked claws and fangs. She carries a collection of chains, typically linked to collars in which her slaves are dragged.

In the Southern Pantheon

Ferrégine has the appearance of a beautiful Elven woman with sharp features and a predatory bearing. She is often dressed in diaphanous dresses and is depicted as either having especially large fangs or wearing a necklace of fangs. Her skin is iron and her eyes burn with golden light. Her voice is seductive and smooth.

In the Eastern Pantheon

Vassiliki is a tall, stately, Akki woman with skin of iron. Her eyes are deep silver pools and her hair is trim and neat. Her horns are sharp and angular. She wears a stately robe and wields a bronze or golden scepter of office. Unlike most of her other incarnations, Vassiliki is not depicted as being overtly cruel or sadistic. She maintains a stern, but professional, coutenance.
Divine Classification


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