Eldred Character in Ara | World Anvil
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The Wise (a.k.a. Hughard, Noíbeagna, Ugo, Sophia)

Eldred is the god of mathematics and knowledge, both hidden and revealed. He advocates a love of learning and discovery. He teaches his followers that the pursuit of knowledge is the noblest pursuit one can hope to achieve. Though he often encourages his followers to share such knowledge and be as zealous teachers as they are learners, he also teaches that some knowledge should not be shared and is safer hidden away. Secrets exist for a reason, after all. Eldred offers guidance to those who seek it regarding which secrets should be exposed and which are safer uncovered. He has temples in many larger cities, especially near libraries or schools. The Halls of Aaron offer small shrines to him while the Citadel of Aaron houses the largest temple of Eldred in Ara. His clerics are scientists, teachers, and philosophers who spread Eldred's influence by sharing the knowledge they have. Clerics who worship Eldred often worship Anwen and undertake long journeys of discovery.   Many of The Keepers are followers of Eldred , as are many wizards, scholars, and philosophers. In addition to worshiping Anwen, many of Eldred's devout also revere Cicely or Osric.

In the Central Pantheon - Hughard

Hughhard in the Central Pantheon is virtually identical to his Imperial counterpart, but he does not deal in secrets. In the Central Pantheon, Hughard gives his knowledge freely, though he is a fairly reclusive deity and not easily contacted. Hughard is also associated with exploration and maps/cartography.

In the Western Pantheon - Noíbeagna

Noíbeagna is the ancestor-god of wisdom and memories. It is believed that he collects the memories of souls going through the rebirth. He peruses these memories, transcribing all the useful information he can glean from them then stores them away to return to the person when they escape the rebirth cycle. Noíbeagna is considered the wisest of the ancestor-gods and shares this wisdom with those who prove themselves worthy. Noíbeagna seeks out knowledge beyond just the memories he collects. He values knowledge in all forms and welcomes those who seek knowledge for its own sake. He is bitter and resentful to those who would use knowledge for their own gain or for conquest.

In the Southern Pantheon - Ugo

In the Southern Pantheon, Ugo is the God of knowledge and learning. He is the patron of teachers and students; masters and apprentices. He is also the god of writing and records. Ugo seeks complete omniscience and, while he knows everything that has ever been written down or recorded physically in some manner, he does not truly know everything yet. Among the doctrines he gives to his followers is to write down any and all information they can in order to expand his knowledge.

In the Eastern Pantheon - Sophia

Sophia is the goddess of wisdom and learning. She is the embodiement of gaining knowledge and of what is known and has been learned, both from others and through personal experience. She is what has been proven and observed, hard facts. She is a patient, caring goddess who teaches those who beseech her for tutelage, though she tends to act more as a guide to let others learn things for themselves rather than to instruct them directly. She instills in mortals the thirst for knowledge and understanding. Sophia is a very stoic, methodical goddess who does not let her emotions cloud her judgement. She is one half of the dual deity Ismene, deity of knowledge, facts, ambition, and creativity.

In the Northern Pantheon


In the Wandering Pantheon


Divine Domains

In the Imperial Pantheon

Knowledge, Mathematics, Secrets, Wisdom, Discovery

In the Central Pantheon

Knowledge, Wisdom, Exploration

In the Western Pantheon

Memories, Wisdom, Writing, Learning

In the Southern Pantheon

Writing, Teaching, Learning, Knowledge

In the Eastern Pantheon

Learning, Wisdom, Experience, Records

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Eldred's symbol is a book with a keyhole on its cover

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

In the Imperial Pantheon

Eldred appears as the book in his symbol. He is never depicted nor has he ever revealed himself in any humanoid form. Eldred does not have a voice, he merely displays pages with writing.

In the Central Pantheon

Hughard is an old man who carries several large scrolls on wooden poles several feet long and stone tablets. He is clad in a robe of feathers and has the head of an owl, with long, drooping feathers in place of eyebrows and a beard.

In the Western Pantheon

Noíbeagna is an orc of slight build with long white hair, despite showing no other signs of age. His eyes are deep wells of stars and light.

In the Southern Pantheon

Ugo is an old, but dignified looking figure in a long, flowing robe. He has trim, gray hair and a long (but not as long as his counterparts in other pantheons) pointed beard. He carries a staff from which hang several scrolls and wears a satchel full of books.

In the Eastern Pantheon

Sophia is an elderly Akki woman, whose hair and scales have long since faded to gray. She wears a modest chiton and a hooded cloak. Her eyes are a brilliant blue, like the sun reflecting off the sea. She carries with her a large crook-like staff, on which hangs a massive tome by a chain.

In the Northern Pantheon


In the Wandering Pantheon

Divine Classification


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