Cicely Character in Ara | World Anvil
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The Reaper, Death, the Dreamweaver, The Sentinel, The Waiting Goddess (a.k.a. Tangast, Bethutal, Caecillia)

Cicely is the goddess of death and dreams. She guides souls to the afterlife and works to enforce the natural order of life and death. She opposes those who kill for pleasure or personal gain as well as those who would extend their lifespan unnaturally. Cicely presides over the resting places of the dead as well and works her will to punish those who would disturb their rest. In addition to death, Cicely is the goddess of dreams and her clergy often liken the eternal repose of the soul to an endless dream. Cicely occasionally offers visions or facilitates communication with lost loved ones through dreams. Cicely is said to give dreams to those who are troubled or struggling with the reality of death in order to provide them comfort and closure.   Cicely hates undead more than anything else and always instructs her devout to destroy them whenever they find them, no matter how rarely that might occur.   Though many cultures, particularly Éthnonakki, offer prayers to Cicely (or her equivalent) during funerals, she has few worshipers who offer any kind of homage during other times. Clerics and paladins who adventure to destroy undead are often followers of Cicely. Those in mourning often seek Cicely's dreams to help them overcome the loss of a loved one.

In the Central Pantheon - Tangast

In the Central Pantheon, Tangast is similar to her Imperial counterpart. She represents the inevitability of death, but unlike her Imperial counterpart, she enjoys toppling the works of mortals and thwarting their pride via an untimely death. Her dreams are believed to be phantasms meant to toy with her victims. Sewing ideas of false hope, ambition, or terror. She is believed to occasionally offer glimpses of the afterlife through these dreams as well. Despite this, she is not a vindictive or unfair goddess. Death comes for everyone equally and her reminders of this unavoidable fate are often credited as providing perspective for life's hardships and joys. Her clergy encourage their flocks to live life fully to spite Tangast when she finally comes to collect their souls.

In the Western Pantheon - Bethutal

In the Western Pantheon, Bethutal is a lonely figure, who guards the gates to the other world. Unlike her Imperial, Central, and Eastern Counterparts, Bethutal does not actually usher souls from the world. She is the only one of the ancestor-gods to remain linked with the two worlds rather than ascending to the heavens. Bethutal is believed to be the architect of the cycle of rebirth between worlds, allowing those who came after her an endless number of chances to perform the great deeds that will allow them to ascend as the ancestor-gods. One of Two Worlds is believed to be a dream-like world created from Bethutal's thoughts and reflections of her views of the real world, but there is significant debate regarding whether the current world or the other world is the "real" one. Many believe that it is impossible for a mortal to ever definitively know the answer to that and that one must ascend before they can truly see the two worlds for what they are.

In the Southern Pantheon - Caecillia

In the Southern Pantheon, Caecillia is the goddess of dreams, loss, grief, and mourning. She provides comfort, guidance, and perspective to those who are grieving and those who have lost things. While she is not explicitly the goddess of death as she is in other pantheons, her domains of grief and mourning often associate her with such. She is prayed to for comfort, guidance, and perspective in times of sorrow, especially after the death of a loved one. Some variations believe she acts as a liaison between the living and the dead through dreams, though to what degree and how willing she is to do so on others' terms varies.   In her role as a goddess of dreams, she also offers inspiration and hope for those in need of it. She is credited as being the muse of many great artists and creators.

In the Eastern Pantheon

Cicely is the goddess of death, grief, and the afterlife. She ushers souls to their proper resting place and helps to give peace to troubled spirits. She both abhors and pities the undead and seeks to give a peaceful rest to those who are trapped in undeath against their will. Those who undertake such ventures willingly she has no mercy for. Viewed as the ultimate neutral observer, she is known for both bringing grief and for giving perspective to those who beseech her for it. Though similar in this regard to Eldred, she does not grant knowledge per se, but rather the perspective to overcome grief and rage. Cicely is one half of the dual deity Thymos, the deity of the soul, spirits, and emotions.

In the Northern Pantheon


In the Wandering Pantheon


Divine Domains

In the Imperial Pantheon

Death, Dreams, Emotional Comfort

In the Central Pantheon

Death, Dreams, Afterlife, Perspective

In the Western Pantheon

Death, Reincarnation, The Other World

In the Southern Pantheon

Dreams, Loss, Grief, Mourning, Inspiration

In the Eastern Pantheon

Death, Grief, Perspective

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Cicely symbol is a skull with a third eye in the midst of its forehead representing inner clarity

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

In the Imperial Pantheon

Cicely is a pale woman in a large, white hooded robe. The only part of her body visible outside of this robe are her gaunt hands in which she carries her bronze staff with a pale will-o-wisp of light atop it. Her voice is slow and faint.

In the Central Pantheon

Tangast is a gaunt figure, clothed in tattered furs and vegetation fashioned into garments. Her head is that of a vulture's skull.

In the Western Pantheon

Bethutal is a motherly warrior figure; strong and with clear musculature, but soft and with a kind smile. Her skin is pale gray, like ash. Her eyes are bright white lights and her hair is jet black. She is clothed in a long fur kilt with a skull as a clasp.

In the Southern Pantheon

In the Southern Pantheon, Caecillia is a dark, wispy elf woman. She is rarely depicted with a concrete physical form and tends to be depicted as mist, smoke, or blurred visions which vaguely resemble a humanoid form.

In the Eastern Pantheon

Cicely is often depicted as an albino Akki whose eyes are closed (or missing) but has a third eye on her forehead which is open. She wears a hooded robe. In some places it is considered taboo to depict Cicely's face and thus she is depicted with her hood obscuring her features. Her voice is often described as quiet and rasping.
Divine Classification


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