Celestine Character in Ara | World Anvil
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Eye of Dawn, Lady of Stars, Queen of Light (a.k.a. Brechtje, Duana, Iris)

Celestine is the goddess of light in all its forms, especially the Sun, Moons, and Stars. Her light exposes lies and schemes. Celestine is often described as a stern, but fair mother. She encourages her followers to improve themselves, to become self-sufficient, and to encourage others to do the same. Though she offers aid and succor to those who need it, but she does not provide charity or handouts. Celestine's favor is awarded to those who perform loyal service or strive to achieve similar goals (even if they do not do so in her name) despite adversity. She abhors that which is chaotic or out of place and guides her followers to live open, honest, orderly lives while exposing the lies and trickery of others. This often puts her at odds with Ferrégine and Sims.

In the Central Pantheon - Brechtje

Brechtje is the goddess of the Sun, the Moons, and the Stars. She is very similar to her Imperial Incarnation, but with much less focus on order. She still retains her association with honesty and sincerity. Though she does not directly punish those who lie or operate under false pretenses, it is believed that any such duplicitous dealings done within her sight will be exposed for others to react as they see fit. As a result, it was once quite commonplace for oaths or deals to be made in direct sunlight where Brechtje's view is clearest. This practice has largely died out even among followers of the Central Pantheon, but still remains prominent in some locations and survives as seemingly esoteric criteria for various ceremonies still practiced today.

In the Western Pantheon - Duana

Duana is the deity of dawn, dusk, and liminal spaces and times. While she is not specifically the goddess of the moons, the moons typically fall under her domain, especially during their transitionary phases. She is prayed to prior to or during times of change and transition such as the loss of a loved one, new parents, weddings, and during changes in leadership or location. She is also celebrated in four festivals throughout the year marking the transition between the seasons and it is believed that during these times her power is greatest.

In the Southern Pantheon

Celestine is the goddess of light in the Southern pantheon as well, but it is much more of a metaphorical sense. She is the goddess of truth, honesty, and revelation. In essence, she is "the light of truth" rather than physically associated with literal light (though such imagery is typically associated with her due to this metaphor).   In the Southern Pantheon Celestine is often seen as the counterpart to Ferrégine and the two are typically linked in opposing roles. This is often through Théophane as wives, rival consorts, or sisters. Details vary from story to story, but some things remain the same. Of special note is Ferrégine's use of undead, which Celestine abhors. Her followers destroy such creatures without hesitation wherever they find them.

In the Eastern Pantheon - Iris

Iris is the goddes of light and fire. She is the morning sun and the evening moon, the warm hearth and the blazing inferno. Iris is one of most mercurial deities in the Eastern Pantheon. She is often soft and comforting but quick to anger and terrifying in her fury. Iris is the watcher and messanger of the Eastern deities. She typically travels along with the sun as it makes its way across the sky, keeping a watch on the world below. When the need is urgent, she travels along rainbows. As with many of her other incarnations, Iris, while inconsistent in temperment, values honesty. She is also associated with beginnings. Iris is one half of the dual deity Prokopios, the deity of opposites, liminality, transitions, cycles, and time.

In the Northern Pantheon


In the Wandering Pantheon


Divine Domains

In the Imperial Pantheon

Sun, Stars, Moon, Light, Order

In the Central Pantheon

Sun, Stars, Moon, Light, Honesty, Sincerity

In the Western Pantheon

Dawn, Dusk, Liminal Spaces/Times, Moons, Doorways, Transitions

In the Southern Pantheon

Truth, Honesty, Revelations, Light

In the Eastern Pantheon

Light, Fire, Messages, Beginnings

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Celestine's symbol is a sunburst.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

In the Imperial Pantheon

Celestine is a beautiful women with sparkling pale blue skin, long flowing hair that shines with golden light, and eyes which shine like stars. She holds the sun in one hand and the moons in her other. She wears a white sleeveless, skirted robe with wide cloth bracelets and anklets.

In the Central Pantheon

Brechtje is a slim, almost scrawny, woman with the head of hawk whose eyes burn like the sun. Surrounding her head are the four moons. She wears a gown of golden feathers.

In the Western Pantheon

Duana is a golden-skinned Orc woman who is always partially shrouded in shadow. She has four eyes which correspond with the four primary moons. She wears a silver skirt.

In the Southern Pantheon

Celestine is depreciated as a beautiful elven-like woman. Her skin is pale blue and sparkles like the stars at night. She has four eyes which glow like the silver light of the moons and a larger, fifth, eye on her forehead which glows golden like the sun. Her eyes are always bright and piercing. She occasionally wears flowing gowns, but is depicted nude nearly as often.

In the Eastern Pantheon

Iris is a lithe, tone Akki woman. She has shining rainbow scales along her arms and back and long, bright red hair. She is often depicted with white, feathered wings, though sometimes these wings are more draconic in appearance. On her brow is a burning flame. Her eyes are golden amber. She wears a bronze chestplate, armguards and leg guards over a leather surcoat with a pleated skirt. She carries a flaming spear and a shield which reflects all light that touches it back ten times as brightly.
Divine Classification


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