Ara World Events Timeline
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World Events

Timeline of major events impacting the whole of Ara

Ante Ruina

3500 AR 0 AR

The period before the destruction of the Mitzui continent and the fall of its first civilization

Post Ruina

0 AR and beyond

Period immediately following the fall of Miztu

  • 0 PR

    The Mitzu Catastrophe
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 6 PR

    Ceding of Belegond

    Sacred Sovereignty of Kalvak "reunited" to oppose Beleghast invasion. Stalemate broken by "ceding" what is now Belegond.

  • 602 PR

    Founding of Milagon

    Additional timelines
  • 766 PR

    Union of Ebrion

    Wulfred I’s conquering ambitions unsated in his own land of Belegond, he looked across the Baltam Strait to Ebrion. Starting in the north, he either formed alliances with or decimated the northern tribes, ending with a Siege of Dolon in late 765 PR. After taking the camp, he named it the capital of the new land and declared himself King of all Ebrion.   Forced by the seasons to wait a further six months, he crossed the @Belt Mountains at the Buckle Pass. His ranks swelled by new Ebrionians loyal to him, it took only 2 years to claim the south of Ebrion as a part of his Empire.