Thylacine Species in Aquatica Homebrew | World Anvil
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Written by Pookas Kreations

This creature looks like a cross between a tiger and a wolf. At need, they can hyperextended their jaws to swallow larger prey.

Basic Information


Thylacines are dog-sized marsupials related to opossums, both species have pouches.

Biological Traits

The size of a small dog, they are

Genetics and Reproduction

Thylacine pouches are rear-facing to both males and females. Mating happens year around, there is no standard mating season. 2-4 young are born at one time, staying in the pouch for up to 3 months. The pouch is subdivided for each joey, which they stayed in for up to 10 weeks old.

Growth Rate & Stages

Living in small to large family groups, males stay with their mothers until just before they become sexually active then they leave to be with their fathers.

Ecology and Habitats

It is native to southern rainforests, and the plains surrounding them. During the day they stay in small caves, or  hollow trees, in nests of plant materials.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Thylacines hunt during twilight and at night. They are carnivores and insectivores. Preferring birds, especially emu, chickens, and other large ground-dwelling birds. They were driven to extinction from a combination of loss of habitat, and the loss of their primary food source.


They are territorial, except for their own family members.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are very social with their family group, when hunting part of the group drives the prey, while a few wait in ambush to catch it.

Facial characteristics

They have a narrow dog-like face, with small upright pointy ears, a small nose, and large canine teeth.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Any temperate forest or jungle, scrublands or plains near cover.

Average Intelligence

As an animal.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Thylacines had a poor sense of smell, but great hearing, and sight.
Scientific Name
Thylacinus cynocephalus
Average Height
2 1/2 ft tall
Average Weight
20 to 60 lbs.
Average Length
3-4 body, plus a 2 to 2 1/2 ft long tail
Average Physique
They are lean and muscular.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They were brown in color, with black, curving stripes starting halfway down their backs, all the way down their tail. The younger animals have more pronounced stripes, but as an adult, they fade into the background color of their coat.
Related Ethnicities
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