Hildago Rank/Title in Aphirion | World Anvil
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Hildago (HILL-DA-GO)

The appointed ruler of The Shared Nation of Eshana. The Hildago is always a member of one of the Twelve Great Families and chosen from among them. The Hildago rules from Anghor Thom in the Manse of his family.   The Hildago is elected in the Chamber of The Many Headed God and only by the members of the Twelve High Families. When a new Hildago is elected it’s made known by a green smoke that rises from a smoke stack from the chamber. Elections can take anywhere from an hour to several weeks


Must be a leader of one of the Twelve Families.


Must be elected by a majority rule in the Chamber of the Many Headed God.


The duties of the Hildago extend to dealing with foreign affairs and seeing disputes within the Twelve Families are settled fairly.


Overseeing any visiting diplomats stay, trade negotiations with foreign nations, organization of the combined military forces in times of war, appointing foreign diplomats.   Executive power is vested in the Hildago of the Shared Nation of Eshana, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. The Hildago is responsible for implementing, execution, and enforcing the laws written by The Twelve Families and, to that end, appoints the heads of the national agencies.


A Hildago is the head member of one of the Twelve families and has all the wealth and assests of that family, but also is given access to funds and public properties inherited with the title.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The turban of the Hildago is inherited with the title. The turban is a simple white silk turban with an inlaid amethyst gem on the front, peacock feathers adorn the top for flair.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Hildago serves for 12 years but can removed under various conditions. In all cases a 2/3rd majority vote is needed to confirm the removal.
  1. A Hildago can be removed if found not acting in the best interests of their nation.
  2. A Hildago can be removed if found to be in unfit health and is no longer able to perform their duties reasonably.
  3. A Hildago can be removed if found to be acting in a biased or treasonist manner.
  If a Hildago is removed in disgrace this way, the family that Hildago was from may not submit another candidate for election to replace them.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Equates to
King or President
Source of Authority
The Twelve Families of Eshana
Length of Term
12 years or until unfit to serve
Current Holders
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