Dead Bog Geographic Location in Aphirion | World Anvil
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Dead Bog

The Dead Bog is a darkened, tangled, thick swamp that is nestled betweens the town's of Ernacht and Kro Tiawz. It is at the base of the Newly Risen Moutains and it sits on the eastern Rrinnorothan coast on the Bloodman's Sea. At night, low, echoing howls can be heard coming out of it. The bog is inhabited by gators, spirits of the dead, witches, and bullywugs.


The bog sits on the eastern coast of Vestri where it meets the Bloodman's Sea.


The air in the center of the swamp is humid and prevented sweat from evaporating. The ever-present hum of the buzzing insects permeats the atmosphere, while the musky stench of decaying plants and stagnant water grows stronger the further in one goes.[6] Along the edge of the lake, it is mainly soggy dirt and sand.

Fauna & Flora

There were a number of tall banyan trees and other thicker-trunked trees with gnarled bases and heavy, thick, vine-covered canopies. However, light could still come through.   The swamp has heavy puddles of swamp bog water which often have giant gators resting just below the water surface. Scattered across the swamp are thick tar-like boggy pools.

Natural Resources

Peat and bog iron are both found in the dead bog.


Before the Shattering a magnificent temple to Bahamut sat in the area. After the land was destroyed the area formed into the swampy land it is today and the land was abandoned.   In recent time a Hag coven has formed deep in the heart of the swamp.


The woman of Ernacht are known to occasionally seek out the hags of the bog for prophecies of the future. The people of Kro Tiwaz avoid going into the bog for anything but hunting and farming.   The occasional archeologist attempts to plumb the depths of the destroyed temple of Bahamut only to be chased away by Bullywags or shadow mastiffs.
Wetland / Swamp
Location under
Owning Organization


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