Aesling Uhl'Olathe Character in Aotra | World Anvil
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Aesling Uhl'Olathe (AYS-ling ul-oh-LOTH)

Aesling Uhl'Olathe is the fourth and youngest child of Fiaéain IV, the Queen of Olathe. The youngest prince of Olathe is an utter mystery to all those outside the royal family. Aesling is young, but he should be a young adult; nevertheless, he is cloistered within the palace. Even the members of the court rarely see him: those fleeting glimpses occur mostly from a distance whenever he makes an appearance alongside his family at major events at the palace. Though the subject is rarely spoken-of, at least in public circles, it is widely known that Aesling suffers from a mysterious illness that has been known to afflict past members of the royal family; notably, it caused the death of the Queen's mother.
Full Name
Prince Aesling Uhl'Olathe
Titles & Styles
His Royal Highness The Prince
Date of Birth
The 19th of Dusking, 699 YC
Year of Birth
699 YC 19 Years old


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