Archmage Rank/Title in Aorna | World Anvil
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Every young wizard dreams of the day when he is declared an Archmage (or "Archost" in formal terms), for there is no greater honor amongst those who revere the deep, thorough study of magic and the arcane. It is the highest possible rank within the hierarchy of wizardry (save for the Grandmage in Arcenveld - though that is a more political position) and seen as a symbol of mastery and expertise.    It takes a life of dedication to reach the rank of Archmage - the average age of those receiving such an honor is well into the seventies. Every five years, a meeting of twenty-seven randomly selected Archost's from across Sheanora gather at Revenark University to review a list of new applicants and nominees. The review is intense and most wizards would not think to apply for Archmage status until they have made a deeply meaningful discovery, such as a new spell, a new method of enchanting or an ancient arcane secret. Once they have presented this discovery to the Archost's, a unanimous vote in agreement is required before the title is granted.      Archmage's typically move on to high paying professorial positions in academic life, whether at Revenark or one of the other magical universities throughout the continent. Their research is often funded by the government, though some have found more success when working with private individuals.    Because of the intense study required, most Archmage's hyperfocus on a specific subject of magical thinking, such as conjuring, enchantment or summoning. They are rarely generalists, as this would prevent them from ever achieving the rank in the first place.
Form of Address
Source of Authority
The title of Archmage is typically bestowed on an individual by the collective vote of a group of other archmages.
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