The Eye-Etcher Item in Aode | World Anvil

The Eye-Etcher

Synopsis and Constructions
  The Eye-Etcher is a magical device design to make completely accurate sketches of anything one could see in a short period of time. It consists of an enchanted monocle goggle, which reads what your retina is seeing, and a mechanical attached back instrument, which takes parchment paper and "prints" the image seen onto it. The monocle is fit for a dwarven eye, made of red brass, and has a blue thick crystal lens. It is connected by red brass chain to the mechanical pack, about 1 1/2 by 2 feet that may be worn with leather straps or carried. It is made of drake leather stretched over steel rods, backed by thin bronze plates, and has a snapping lid. The parchment is inserted into the top, whereupon an internal rotating ink needle, supplied by an internal well, draw the seen image over the course of about 40 seconds. Due to the wheeled needle, the images turn out circular, with a 16 inch diameter.  
Ownership and History
The device was invented by an arcane scientist, or artificer, in 1323 at the commission of Conall Rosenmere, a baron in Darrlonia, who loved to see sights and sketch them, but after years of practice and professional training was still completely terrible at it. He hired the artificer, whose name is unknown, paid a hefty sum for the unique creation. It has since produced thousands of pictures from both the baron and future owners. The images are highly detailed, performing the work of a hours of human hand in seconds. The pictures are valuable to collectors, especially ones of hard to reach locations. At any given time, the device is under the care of a Seeker, returning pictures to the Tuslmone for scientific and archival purposes.