The Breath of Leralae Geographic Location in Aode | World Anvil

The Breath of Leralae


  Where the River Winter meets the South Valley Rush, at least in theory, lies the Breath of Leralae, a monumentally massive acidic fog cloud with...unique features that make it both an interesting subject of study and a source of great danger. Stepping into it feels like entering a downpour, soaking clothes from all directions at an unnatural rate, making gradual work of even the most effective of waterproofed cloth, dissolving any fibers within hours. This, of course, is from the few observations that can be made from the limited form a study Senior Seekers of Jeccamai could perform, considering the fog's most widely known property: consuming all that enters it. Those who wander into this mists, either on foot or through river, never are seen again. Any way of returning after entering more than a few hundred feet has been fruitless, see below for attempted trials. The name, Breath of Leralae, comes from a dead Aodean God, Leralae, who was said to bring storms with naught but her exhalation.
Attempted Returning Incursions by Tuslmone Seekers

  First Recorded Attempt, circa 780 BD. An expedition of three junior Seekers of Jeccamai, acting alone and against orders. They journeyed in with three silver ravens, attached to their base camp by hempen rope. They were never seen again, nor their ravens.
  Second Recorded Attempt, circa 775 BD. Following the previous unapproved attempt, an expedition was arranged five years after, using two mile long double bound cobalt coated waxed steel chain to link the 8 members of the expedition together, current Senior Seeker included. They were never seen again, and the chain was found to be dissolved around 600ft from its end.
  Middling Recorded Attempts, 546-452 BD. After the last costly expedition, further testing was suspended for extensive time. Any further expedition using Seekers was forbidden. This period consisted mostly of animal and object tests, with no major success.
  Draconic and Mechanical Testing Attempts, 781-1130 FE. The most recent attempts have been divided between two methods: Mechanical Shells and Dragons. Both have been abandoned due to the high costs and low impact and data. The Tuslmone currently only offers Seeker services to trusted and well funded private expeditions.