Ortok Settlement in Anoria | World Anvil
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A fishing village on the coast of the Isle of Abicene. Because of its proximity to Lokar and its occasional site as a drop off point for smugglers, the Seekers keep a safe house there.


Ortok is run by a group of merchants and retired Adventurers who call themselves The Consortium. Current members include Kelvin Ragewind (aristocrat Sapphire (wizard Harry Grimmlsy (rogue Alyx Glamwise (ranger).

Industry & Trade

Fishing and import/export (including black market)


Ticklepenny Market; the Crab's Claw district; the Salty Walrus; the Underdocks; the Whale's Tail

Guilds and Factions

The Consortium, the Society of the Asp, the Seekers


Ortok was founded after the Endless Rain to take advantage of the new coastline. Because it is located on Abicene, considered a neutral territory among the nations of Aleria due to Lokar being the home of the Church, but not actually affiliated with Lokar, it has become a center of black market trade to and from the island. The Consortium carefully monitors all aspects of both legal and illegal trade, creating a semblance of order the keeps Lokar from coming down on the small village.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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