Jiken Alvacy Character in An'katerr | World Anvil

Jiken Alvacy

Chief Jiken Alvacy

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up, Jiken and Kinrou were best friends as well as brothers. He's known for his questionable taste in relationships. He also has a history of making decisions that have landed him into trouble, taking Kinrou right along with him. He's the one who masterminded the plan to steal the Empress's crown.


He's a member of the Shadowhawk Bandits.

Accomplishments & Achievements

After the former Chief's death, he attained the position.

Failures & Embarrassments

When he was six, he thought it would be a great idea to play Kal Sharash fighting the Shadows, but he wanted to use real fire. He nearly burned all of Kinrou's hair off.   When he was eight, he decided to teach Kinrou to swim and they both almost drowned.   Three months later he stabbed Kinrou through the shoulder playing Bandits and Soldiers.   At age thirteen, there was an incident involving an exploding sheep bladder.   At fifteen he tried to make time with those two girls without the other knowing. It completely backfired. Jiken claims that it only did so because Kinrou messed up. The Chief had decided to take Kinrou out on a raid and Kinrou couldn't tell Jiken about it.   Jiken planned a raid for Kinrou's sixteenth birthday that failed miserably.   Their attempt to steal the Empress's crown landed them both in prison. They only escaped execution by Kinrou agreeing to become a Dragon Warrior.

Intellectual Characteristics

He means well, but his plans never quite go right.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He knows a lot about cuts of cloth and fashion, though he admits most of it comes from listening to women talk.

Likes & Dislikes

He very much enjoys female companionship.   There's a style of scarf currently in fashion in the home town of the Dragon Warrior Chounen that he finds to be a little ostentatious for his taste. He prefers a simpler style such as one from Andalosh.


Contacts & Relations

He was once involved with a bandit girl named Marsa. He had a relationship with another girl named Tiona.

Family Ties

Mi mother's name is Adlia. He's never known who his father was and it never really mattered to him. Although he's adopted, he considers Kinrou Alvacy to be a full brother to him.   Miken Alvacy was Jiken’s grandfather. He is best known for attempting to steal the Dragon Crown. He died in prison shortly before he was scheduled to be executed.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Bandit Chief
Year of Birth
Mt. Dorayen
Current Residence
Mt. Dorayen
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tanned Caucasian
Aligned Organization


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