Units and Measurements in Eglen Technology / Science in Anisoptera | World Anvil

Units and Measurements in Eglen


Base unit: pace
  • 1 finger width (fw)
  • 1 fist (f) = 10 fw
  • 1 pace (p) = 10 f
  • 1 stave (st) = 2 p
  • 1 cable (c) = 1/12 mile = 154 1/3 p
  • 1 mile (mi) = 1852 p
  • 1 march (ma) = 3 mi = 5556 p

  • A march is also known as an hour walking it is an old-fashioned unit, only still used by the Army because of tradition. (Although others may think it is to do with the Army refusing to adapt the mile which is of nautical origin.

    Weight (mass)

    Base unit: dound
  • 1 Ounce (O) = 1/16 pound
  • 1 Pound (P) = 1/2 dound
  • 1 Dound (DP) = 2 P
  • 1 lift (L) = 18 DP
  • 1 fourlift (fL) = (144 pound) = 72 DP
  • 1 ton = 14 fL = 1008 DP

  • Once the pound was the base unit, but king Ïlamya II (the heavy) not liking the big number that resembled his weight, decreed the use of the Dound, double pound, also known as the Royal Pound. Dound is also commonly pronounced as Dont.

    A lift is the amount of weight a man can carry on a day long march.


    Base unit: Knot
  • 1 Knot (kt) = 1 mile / hour
  • 1 March / hour (M/h)= 3 knots

  • Marches/hour is archaic, but the Army still uses it to compare vehicle speed to walking speed.


    Base unit: square stave
  • 1 square finger width (sq.fw) = 1/4000 sq.st
  • 1 square fist (sq.f) = 1/400 sq.st
  • 1 square pace = 1/4 sq.st
  • 1 square stave = 4 square paces
  • 1/4 grosk = 36 sq.st (144 square paces) (used in construction)
  • 1 grosk (gr) = 144 sq.st
  • 1 plough (pl) = 2400 sq.st
  • 1 farm = 12 pl (historic)
  • 1 net = 1 square cable
  • 1 square mile (sq.mi) = 8.575.476 sq.st

  • Grosk is a contraction of gross square staves, where staves is completely lost and the q has turned into a k. A gross equals 144. A quarter grosk is listed because it is used in construction and is equal to a gross square paces.

    A plough is the amount of land a farmer can plough in a day. A farm is what at one point in time was the amount of land a single farm could work and live off. Farm as a measurement for area is nowadays not used anymore


    Base unit: Bucket
  • 1 drink (dr.) = 1/30 bucket
  • 1 bucket (bc.) = 10 cubic fists
  • 1 barrel (brl) = 24 bc.
  • 1 tonne (t) = 6 brl = 144 bc.
  • 1 cubic stave (c.st) = 800 bc.

  • Cubic staves are used in mining, and is the default unit for the sale of coal.


  • 1 technical atmosphere (at) = 1 dound per square finger width
  • Temperature

  • Celsius (C)

  • Cover image: Header Anisoptera by Jacob-W, background by Reto Scheiwiller via Pixabay


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    Aug 6, 2022 12:55

    That's so fascinating! Are all these historical measures, or are some of them your own invention? Either way, I'm very impressed.

    Aug 7, 2022 04:08 by Bart Weergang

    a bit of both, I can say I probably have an above average interest and knowledge of historical measurements, and for sure used them as inspiration. But I didn't want to use the standard imperial or the metric system for this world. So I tossed some different conversions in here and there, and renamed some others, as well as added a few of my own idea. And when my own ideas where odd I stamped them as being in world old fashioned :P