lunar scribe Profession in Animora | World Anvil

lunar scribe

Lunar scribe is an important, but often overlooked and underappreciated job. It is the job of the lunar scribe to loop upon Animora's nine moons and their daily, monthly and long-term cycles (if any), study the interactions between different moons and inform and warn of potential coming dangers and opportunities the moons' cycles will lead to. They are also in charge of noticing any interesting changes in the stars and figuring out whatever they can of the effects any such changes would have.   Among the things to take into consideration for a lunar scribe is magical plants and monsters and their development, the mental and magical effects the moons will have on the environment and potential dangers such as Ekaz being full when another moon is full and the consequences that may have in relation to the potency and cycles of the other moons at that time.   Lunar scribes, when they do their job, is often ignored, the king or local lord may get a report of a particular danger within the next few months for one of the nine moons and their recommendations for how to avert bad consequences from this. An example of such a situation would be that The blood moon will be full at the same time as Ekaz is full and Veltosh will be only a few days from being full itself, and the consequences of this (such as increased bleeding and blood-lust, and a powerful increase in aggression from magma elementals if any is nearby).   Lunar scribes are often among the best educated in the esoteric among a king's advisors, and it is generally a good idea to take their advice seriously. Generals and other officers of war, at least those with experience and those who are competent in particular tends to take a greater interest in lunar scribes than other people for the simple reason that the states of the various lunar objects of Animora can greatly influence the initial and final results of a battle and war.


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