Dreamveilers Ethnicity in Animora | World Anvil


Dreamveilers is an ethnecity deeply rooted in the mystical embrace of Aelora's dominion: Elysium's Embrace.  

Naming Conventions

Their naming conventions are a reflection of their celestial and dream-like connection, often drawing inspiration from stars and the ethereal realm of dreams. Names like Starlily, Dreamweaver, Stargazer, and Celestialis are common among them.  


Devotion to Aelora

Faith in Aelora

Devotion to Aelora is at the core of their existence. They see her as a beacon of hope, an embodiment of their dreams, and a guiding light in the darkness. Their unwavering faith in her is expressed through daily rituals and communal gatherings where stories are shared, dreams are recounted, and guidance is sought from the divine presence of Aelora.


Kindness is an essential virtue in Dreamveiler society. They believe in treating others with compassion and empathy, recognizing that every soul has a unique journey. Acts of kindness and generosity are highly valued, and they take pride in their close-knit and supportive community.

Hope for the future

Dreaming of a better tomorrow is a shared aspiration among the Dreamveilers. They believe that through collective effort and inspiration, they can shape a brighter future for themselves and their beloved deity. Their optimism and enthusiasm are contagious, inspiring others to embrace their own dreams and aspirations.

Protecting her purity

Protecting Aelora's purity and uncorrupted essence is a sacred duty for the Dreamveilers. They guard her birthplace and sacred sites with unwavering dedication, ensuring that no malevolent influence can taint her divine essence. Their vigilance extends to safeguarding her from potential threats, both physical and spiritual, while also protecting the purity of their faith.

Duty of dedication

The Dreamveilers understand the significance of a strong and unwavering faith. They actively encourage and nurture the faith of their fellow believers, especially those in the smaller hamlets and villages. clerics and priests travel between communities, sharing Aelora's teachings, offering guidance, and reinforcing the bonds of their faith, strengthening the entire region's connection to their beloved celestial deity.

A Priest's Name

When a faithful of Aelora becomes a divine caster of her they are expected to throw away their last name and taking the monicker of brother or sister depending on their gender.   Thye may alsop gain a new last name depending on something related to themselves, such as someone always looking at the horizon getting the last name of horizongazer.   This is less the case for elves for whome names hold some power, but for races such as humans to whom names matter little in this regard, it is a common custom.


Common Etiquette rules

Greetings with Dreams

When greeting each other, Dreamveilers often share their most recent dream, believing it brings blessings and positivity to the encounter.

ream-Light Conversations

In quieter moments, they converse in hushed whispers, as if speaking softly to the realm of dreams itself, showing reverence to the ethereal powers that surround them.


Beauty Ideals

Celestial Adornments

The Dreamveilers often wear jewelry and accessories adorned with stars, moons, and other celestial symbols, reflecting their connection to the heavens.

Silver and Sapphire Hues

Their clothing often features colors reminiscent of the night sky, with silver and sapphire blue being the most favored, symbolizing their connection to celestial energies.   Silver hair is considered the most attractive color within this culture.

Radiant Eyes

Bright, expressive eyes are considered a sign of a strong connection to Aelora's divine presence, and Dreamveilers take great pride in their eyes, often accentuating them with natural pigments and shimmering makeup.   Blue is the eyecolor considered the most beautiful in this culture.
Parent ethnicities
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