ancient giant speech Language in Animora | World Anvil

ancient giant speech

Ancient giant speech is the origin of all languages spoken by giants.   The language is one of the older languages originating in Animora, interestingly because of the nature of giants, this language and all its derivatives cannot be spoken by non-giants lightly, this is because it was developed by them themselves, and they have the ability to sense but also channel their identity and strength of faith through their physiology, and this has naturally become a part of their very language. There are details not spoken through words in their language, such as adverbs specifying the potency of a verb and how sure they are in their opinion and in the source of their information. Giants do utilise this talent even when speaking languages not derived from ancient giant speech, however they will usually forgo such adverbs in favour of doing it the way they normally do, which makes talking to them, even in your own language a lot harder than it really should be.   The language is crude and underdeveloped compared to other languages and has no common root with any language originating from other species. Ancient giant speech is a dead language, though if its descendants are any indication it was likely guttural in its pronunciations, direct and unsubtle when it comes to grammar with specific pronunciations, though the last part is an inference from sarrian, which likely developed it because of the tendency of darr to have long complicated names whose pronunciation is extremely specific and their tendency to take it as a personal insult whenever someone does not pronounce their name right.


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