Shalia Organization in Animia | World Anvil
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Halflings and Gnomes inhabit the island of Shalia together. Situated off the coast of Ravenswood and the Redsoil Desert, Shalia has easy access to both northern and southern kingdoms. The northern part of the island is largely fields and planes, and more heavily populated by halfling settlements. The southern end is more wooded an mountainous, and many gnomes make their homes there.


Halfling society is organized around town masters and mistresses who serve one-year turns. Every adult halfling takes a turn serving as town master or mistress, and as such Halflings take great pains to fully educate all members of society so that they will all be ready when it is their turn to lead. Gnomes are guided by elders. They revere the knowledge and wisdom the oldest among them can collect during a lifetime. Thus, every gnome over the age of 400 serves on the gnomish council.


Shalia's farmlands produce a significant amount of wool and grain for export, and the mountainous regions provide a small amount of competition to the dwarven monopoly on metals and gems. Additionally, Shalians also export many of their agricultural, forestry, and mining apparatuses.

Mythology & Lore

Gnomish and Halfling mythology tells primarily of the great innovations of their ancestors, inspired by the twin gods Elana and Lillia. Elana is the goddess of darkness, vitality, night, and chaos. Lillia is the goddess of serenity, peace, daylight, and order. The people of Shalia believe that all knowledge, be it agrarian, academic, or mechanical, is divinely inspired, and thus they provide extensive public education to all residents of the island.
Geopolitical, State
Legislative Body
Gnomish councils are made up all citizens over the age of 400, while halflings serve 1-year rotating terms as town masters and mistresses. Every adult halfling is required to serve their term when it is their turn.
Related Species


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