Three Dragon Skin Capes Item in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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Three Dragon Skin Capes

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The capes are considered magical, for when worn they transform the wearer into a large Regal Dragon . The dragon's appearance often changes slightly depending on the individual that is wearing the skin, with the coloration, size, and horns being the most notable. When taken off the wearer is transformed back into their normal selves.


These items are featured in the legend of the Dragon Brides. They gave the three Orc sisters the ability to transform into a Regal Dragon when worn, and were stolen from them one day while they bathed. Tricked into marrying the thief that 'found' them later that evening they spent many years wondering where their dragon skins were, and each gave birth to a child. Eventually one of the sisters discovers the skins in a shallow cave blocked by a boulder, and realizes that she and her sisters had been tricked. Donning the Dragon skins the sisters would then turn into dragons and burn down both the thief and his camp. The legend ends with the sisters flying off with their children, who would later grow up to be legendary orc heros.   Later legends would mention the children having these skins, and occasionally using them during their adventures. It's often assumed that their mothers gave them the skins when the came of age.   The Dragon Skin Capes are mainly believed to just be legends, but in reality they really did exist, and have been passed down from generation to generation. They are considered precious family heirlooms, and their existence has been kept a secret.


These capes are legendary in the stories used to warn young orcs about the dangers of lying, and enraging Orc woman.
Only three of these legendary capes are known to exist, however it is possible that there are more out in the world.

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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