Rise and Flight of Dragons Myth in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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Rise and Flight of Dragons


In the beginning there was no dragons, only saurians. One goddess decided that she wanted to create the ultimate saurian, so she made an egg using parts from Tyrants, Singing Titans, and Pterosaurs. From this egg, the first dragon was hatched.   At first the young hatchling struggled to survive, being constantly bullied off of it's kills by other saurians and teased for it's unusual looks. Miserable, the hatchling would dream of the day it would be big and strong enough to use it's wings to fly out over the ocean. Many years passed, and the hatchling went through many trials of life, growing bigger, stronger, and more experienced. One by one the dragon took out the creatures that bullied it, learning to breathe fire along the way.   Once all the saurians that harassed the dragon as a hatchling were defeated, the dragon spread it's wings and took flight, swearing to become the strongest creature there ever was, before flying out over the sea, never to be seen on the island again.

Historical Basis

Scholars believe that this legend may tell the origins of dragons true origins, and that the clade is native to Sauria.
Related Species

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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