'Rat Folk' Species in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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'Rat Folk'

Basic Information


This small folk bares a close resemblance to rodents. They have a long, leathery tail, and large, strong claws.

Biological Traits

While relatively physically weak, they are agile and do make good diggers.

Ecology and Habitats

Native to the dry plains and deserts of the 'Beast Continent', they have quickly spread throughout the world, and have settled in to nearly every kind of environment. Their favorite places to settle however, are near or in the settlements of other folk, especially within their sewers or abandoned buildings. Humans are some of their favorite folk to settle near, to the point where humans consider them a pest.   They tend to live in massive warrens with multiple escape routes. Its within these warrens that they store their hoards.

Additional Information

Social Structure

'Rat-Folk' rival humans when it comes to their need to be around other individuals. They are extremely communal and typically live in large family warrens of up to 100 individuals, though occasionally they'll form nomadic trade caravans. They'll do everything together, from sleep, chores, to fighting, and will form strong bonds with their family as a result.   Appreciate benefits of orderly society.   Young 'rat-folk' will leave a warren if it becomes too overcrowded and then make a new warren with strong ties to the original.

Facial characteristics

A 'rat-folk's' face is constantly in motion, with their whiskered snout and pointed ears twitching every few seconds as they try and detect any potential threats.

Average Intelligence

They are considered to be quite clever.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

'Rat-folk' are very near sighted, as a result they rely more on their excellent sense of smell to 'see' the world around them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Female Names: Bessel, Fhar, Jix, Kitch, Kubi, Nehm, Rissi, Thikka.
  • Male Names: Agiz, Brihz, Djir, Ninnec, Rerdahl, Rikkan, Skivven, Tamog.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

While they have their own language, they are quick to learn any of the local and trade languages of the regions they settle in.

Common Dress Code

Love decorating tail and ears with a lot of shiny jewelry.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Battle Most 'Rat-folk' would prefer to avoid physical conflict to begin with, and will try and either defuse the situation through conversation or trade, or sneak away. However if forced to fight, they with do so viciously, especially when alone and cornered. Their experience with living in tight spaces translates well in close quarters combat, and they will not hesitate to use sabotage, ambushes, and traps to gain an advantage in battle. Some individuals even view disease as an acceptable weapon.   Commerce and Trade Considered masters of commerce, 'rat-folk' are often on the lookout for new markets and commodities for trading opportunities . While some are shrewd merchants in order to gain supplies for their warrens, others may focus more on the goal of expanding their personal hoards.   Domesticated Animals They have domesticated several animal species, including several rat species.   Hoards Natural hoarders and tinkerers, they love to acquire and repair many different kinds of items to add to their hoards, especially magical items. Often they will travel in order to acquire new items for their hoard.   Values Value interesting items over money.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

General With rats having a general reputation of being associated with disease, and ruined food supplies, many Kinfolk feel uncomfortable with their rat-like features and behaviors.   Dwarves They tend to find Dwarves too territorial   Halflings Neutral towards Halflings.   Elves Enjoy Elves company.
Average Height
Average Weight

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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