'Last A.O.' Character in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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'Last A.O.'

For many it is common knowledge that the 'Ancient Ones' disappeared many eras ago, and that only their ruins and relics remain of their once great empire. What many don't realize however, is that one still walks among them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

'The Last A.O.' is often in some kind of disguise, whether it be a physical or magical one. When not in disguise he appears as a young adult, silver skinned, 'A.O.' man.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It's not certain how 'The Last A.O.' has survived into modern times while the rest of his people have long since passed. His tremendous knowledge of 'A.O' relics and ruins suggest that he was alive back when the 'A.O.'s' where at the height of their reign However whenever questioned of his past, immortality or 'A.O.'s' in general, he grows quiet and refuses to answer.   Nowadays 'The Last A.O' often drifts from place to place, occasionally settling in a small village or town for a few years before moving again. With the raise of the 'Descendents' and interest in 'A.O.'s' within other organizations, he has become increasingly nervous about his true identity being discovered, and is avoiding larger settlements more and more.


With centuries of life experience and a need to satisfy his boredom, 'the Last A.O.' has become knowledgeable in many fields. He is often looking for new books to read and life experiences to gain.

Mental Trauma

Many centuries of being the last 'A.O.' has left him feeling increasingly lonely and depressed, for he feels like he has no one to talk to without risking his safety and freedom.


Social Aptitude

'The Lost A.O.' is very reserved and fears what may happen if his true identity was discovered.

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf
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