Agamine Character in Andara | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Trickster)

A part of Elvish legend, the infamous demon was determined to show the failings of The Three sons. Agamine led the first two brothers to their death by taking advantage of their strengths, or as he saw it, weaknesses.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

It is legend that the demon could change his appearance at will, disguising himself as others, this is part of Elvish mythology as the demon supposedly disguised himself as Lowren's dead brother.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The first mention of Agamine in Elvish legend is when he supposedly attacked a village to draw out Gilidriel. Although this attack is now believed to be performed by those who the demon manipulated into attacking. When Gilidriel arrived there was another demon there, believed to be a follower, after they were defeated Agamine appeared to him, a mess of parts and features, which Elvish art has widely varied on portraying. The demon introduced itself as Agamine, the demon lord. Gilidriel, being honourable and just, attacked the demon but it was too strong, it fought with the Elf and led him to the edge of a cliff, and as the Elf fought tirelessly the demon revealed several innocent villagers who the demon was about to throw off the cliff, and would only let them live if the Elf jumped off in their place. The story goes that Gilidriel sheathed his sword, swore that the demon would face his end one day and jumped to his death. The demon then focused his attention to the next brother. Rottria had become the main adviser in Andlis-Harh, deciding not to try to avenge his brother. One day Rottria gathered all the leaders together and told them that a threat was coming, although it is known exactly what he thought was coming. He warned of the same thing that killed his brother was coming back for them all but he had a cunning plan to defeat the demon. It is documented that he had almost all the population move to Oldtown and set up a temporary camp there. He and the mages waited in Andlis-Harh for the threat to arrive, but it never did... They waited for days and nothing arrived, eventually some of his followers went against his orders and sent word for the civilians to return. Rottria was apparently still convinced the threat was coming and ran out of the city chasing something, or someone. Stories from those that followed him tell of the Elf being found, beaten, bloody and cut hundreds of times. Less religious Elves and Humans believe this was revenge for the sins Rottria had committed in his life, as it is likely he had made many enemies, this was the belief of the Elves at the time. Those more believing think it was the demon Agamine who had tricked the brother into coming out of the city, making him so paranoid that those around him, including his younger brother didn't believe there was a threat, convincing the Elves that the deaths of the brothers and the problems around Andlis-Harh were not magical, simply criminals, murderers and bandits. Many believe that Agamine had a group ambush the Elf, showing that he was not cunning or clever, he was foolish.   Next the demon went after the third brother. The legend goes that the Agamine approached Lowren disguised as his brother Gilidriel, and told him that his brothers had been greedy, they didn't understand the true meaning of life. He told Lowren that he saw how great a leader he could be and that he would make him the most powerful Elf to have ever live. Lowren however wasn't interested, he asked his 'brother' the last words their father spoke to them, and Agamine was stumped. Lowren told the demon to leave, but the demon was determined to trick the last brother. The first had been obsessed with bringing justice, the second to proving his cunning and outsmarting the demon, but this third brother wanted nothing, he had no motives. The demon followed Lowren for 10 years, trying to convince him to take his offer, to corrupt the innocent Elf. But Lowren never accepted, telling the demon each time he wasn't interested, even trying to befriend the demon at times, offering to try to help him. Agamine was furious, in his anger he kidnapped Lowren's wife and told him he would only release her if Lowren took his offer and seized power in Andlis-Harh, going against all he believed in. Lowren was calm, he told the demon that he would not betray all he believed in, but he also wouldn't let his wife die. He offered the demon another option, he would die in her place and Agamine would have his victory over all three brothers. Agamine was intrigued, but he had to be sure so, the story tells of the demon trapping Lowren's wife the sky itself, locking her away to make sure she could not escape, this created the moon. Then, the demon came to Lowren, apparently the demon could do no harm to any mortal being, and he had only tricked his brothers into their deaths, although he never explained who exactly killed Rottria. Agamine said that he could however keep his wife away from him forever, Lowren told him he understood and was ready to die. Agamine watched as Lowren drank a vial of poison and slowly drifted off. The demon then had to watch as the ground around him glowed, a spell had been cast by Lowren's followers that had bound the demon's life to Lowren's. As Lowren died so did the demon, he writhed and screamed, realising he had been beaten, in his rage he managed to stay bound to the world, with him and Lowren locked together to create the Sun. Lowren always following his lost love each day, Agamine always trying to keep them apart to punish Lowren for defeating him, their eternal struggle causing the raging fire of the sun.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tricking 2 of the 3 brothers into their deaths.

Failures & Embarrassments

Being Tricked by Lowren leading to his defeat

Intellectual Characteristics

Cunning, deceitful, manipulative.
Divine Classification
Year of Death
Circumstances of Birth
Unknown, although myths have attempted to invent an origin of the demon.
Circumstances of Death
Tricked by Lowren, leading to him being trapped in the sun with him.

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