Crene Character in Andara | World Anvil
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Crene was among the Anarium townspeople that set up in the chapel to defend themselves against the cannabilistic members of Anarium. She was the closest the group had to a leader and took it upon herself to tenaciously defend the group. A hatchmate of Krink, she was very disappointed to see him join the group of hunters but this did make the idea of reconciliation between the groups more attractive to her and she was instrumental in the effort to unite the groups. Crene readily forgave the hunters, knowing that they made a logical choice even if the choice was, in her opinion, highly immoral. After arriving in Antlion Caverns she found a niche for herself patrolling and protecting the other people from any threats. She also organized a loose militia that send up watchtowers in strategic locations so as to be prepared for any threats. Crene currently lives in the Forgotten Facility. Brought to the Frosty Place he is worried about keeping everyone together and safe.
Current Location


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