Kuath Species in Andara | World Anvil
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Avian race but with mostly non-functional wings.   Found throughout the Afterdark they don't seem to have any particular homeland.

Basic Information


Small mostly non-functional wings. Used to be able to fly like chickens but now use them to just hop really well.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kuath are born from eggs that mostly develop in the female and are only laid a few weeks before hatching. After fertilization it generally takes about 4 months for the pregnancy to progress to laying. Most pregnancies seem to go well and fertility issues are generally only discovered when an egg fails to hatch or hatches a severely deformed child.   Females are rarely found outside of specialized facilities meant to aid in fertility. While it seems apparent that in the past Kuath reproduced freely in the last few centuries at least fertility rates have been very low with nearly 95% of fertilized eggs not producing children. The facilities are meant to be relaxing, provide proper nutrition, and give every possible advantage towards healthy hatching. Even with this intervention 85% of eggs do not hatch. Males are also mostly infertile but the fertile ones, also living at the facilities, are able to father many children.   The expenses for these facilities are generally paid for by Kuath that are not in the facilities, mostly males or females that have left because they have been found entirely non-fertile. While females are not technically required to live in reproduction centers they are seen as morally deficient if they do not. Fertility declines swiftly with age, and while there is no menopause or other natural conclusion of fertility it is highly unusual to see an egg hatch to an older female. The need for children is such, however, that female Kuath regardless of age remain in the facilities. Female Kuath who leave the facilities past middle age are not regarded as morally deficient unless they have proven to be reliable breeders in the past.   With these interventions the Kuath population has remained relatively stable but it always remains a worry.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kuath are telepathic though strong taboos against the unauthorized use of telepathy keep them from developing their skills further. Kuath Councils meet and consider occasions of unauthorized telepathy and the taboo is strong enough that the vast majority of Kuath report to the council for consideration.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Bird-people names

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Very good. Has been integrated into a great number of settlements and only the most isolated and xenophobic dislike them.

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