Barhik Character in Andara | World Anvil
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Barhik had been a miner in the Anarium Mines before the abandonment of the town and subsequent flight to Antlion Caverns. He is very protective of those he cares about and physically shielded many of his friends from the cannabilistic hunters. After the flight to Antlion Caverns he used his massive strength to build the cable-car system and hoisted things manually that other could not. While some others were able to easily forgive their cannabilistic compatriots Barhik was not able to forgive and kept them at a distance. While he would still help them and would defend them if it was needed he has yet to consider them friends again and perhaps never will. He lives at the Forgotten Facility. When the others were taken to the Frosty Place from Antlion Cavern he was taken with them, something he saw as an inevitability after what happened in Anarium. In order to get Ses and Miug to come with the rest of the group he volunteered to come back to Nuthur with any news of how to escape the place should they find it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He grew up in Tinimul which felt much too big for him. He spent a time living in a Hashku village but they just never seemed to be able to understand each other. He had stopped in Anarium on his way to Riat and was there for the Myrillium rush leading to the Crystal Plague. He defended the non-violent ones in Anarium. He keeps to himself and seems really sad. He resists anyone's attempts to befriend him. He's staying with everyone else because he is hoping that he can be useful to them in some way.
Current Location


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