The Northern Guard Military Formation in Anaria | World Anvil
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The Northern Guard

The Northern Guard is one of the constituent units of The Royal Army of The High Kingdom.  They are comprised of around 3,000 orcish warriors recruited from the Northern wastes, and contracted to serve for a certain number of years, usually twelve, although some re-enlist.  For some orcs, following orders like this is the last thing they can handle, but for many, especially those a little older, steady pay and comfortable living conditions are a welcome alternative to the incessant raiding of life in the north, or the long sea voyages of raiders.   The Northern Guard is obviously respected for the ferocity of its axe-wielding infantry (they all fight on foot), and their role in battle is as a ferocious line breaker to try and smash through the enemy line at a chosen point.  In this sense they have a similar role to The Devoted.  Unlike The Devoted though, they are under some sort of control and therefore can also be used as a reserve, to turn the tide of battle in a flagging sector, or reinforce a breakthrough created by others.   The other advantage over The Devoted is that it is easier to replace the fallen, so they also find a lot of use in raiding and other front line activities - they are regarded by the High King as something of an expendable asset.



3,000 orcs, roughly, divided into 12 companies of 500.  Individual companies are then divided into ten banners of around fifty orcs each.


Chain shirts and large shields.  They will normally sling their shield behind their back when using their battle axe.


Battle axes are their primary weapons.  Most will also carry a handful of javelins and a sturdy broadsword for close work.


Their man tactic is a headlong charge into enemy infantry, covering themselves with their shields for as long as possible if the enemy are archers.  Against cavalry, they will normally form a shield-wall and brace to widthstand the charge, and then a second rank attack with axes when the enemy cavalry are at a standstill.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation

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