Veena Station Geographic Location in Anareta : Chronicles of the Stream | World Anvil

Veena Station

Location Circinus Stream / Elpis System / Nufano Geostationary Orbit
Population 120.000
Capital Sector Yule
Ownership Mewei Domain
Veena Station is a Mewei Domain starbase in orbit around Nufano. Beyond providing support for the Domain shipyards and for the Force-Shield, Veena Station acts as an entry point into Nufano, and traffic not cleared through its custom checks is tracked and most usually shot down. The station is named after Veena of Sare, a member of the Conclave of Six which re-established the Mewei Domain in the Circinus Stream.   In the 151th Cycle, Veena Station became the home of the BSS Endeavour following their run-in with Hexo-Geni, Inc. The ship later left for distant shores.  

Trade Table

Veena Station (-2 Tools, -1 Agro, +1 Bio, +2 Arcane) (Base Friction : 4)

Trade Good Types Cost / Unit
Clothing Common, Cultural 1,000
Drugs (Raw) Agriculture, Biotech, Bulky 2,000
Housewares Consumer 5,000
Livestock (Common) Common, Livestock 2,000
Magitek (Common) Livestock, Biotech 10,000
Magitek (Rare) Arcane, Tools 10,000
Magitek (Salvaged)* Arcane, Tools, Maltech 50,000
Native Artwork Cultural, Luxury 10,000
Small Arms (Energy) Military 10,000
Tools (Industrial) Tool 10,000
* indicates this is an illegal item and must be smuggled - adds 1d4 Friction
Space Station


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