Hexo-Geni, Inc Organization in Anareta : Chronicles of the Stream | World Anvil

Hexo-Geni, Inc

Hexo-Geni, Inc was a rogue Coalition corporation that was focussed on medical research and pharma advances. Before its fall in the 151st Cycle it had been a leader in medicine, and invented various serums of healing still used around the Elpis system to this day, though in the last two decades its fortunes had shifted.   In the early days of the Coalition, Hexo-Geni briefly became one of the most powerful corporations on Hakaria. However, in the 102nd Cycle, a series of bad investments saw Hexo-Geni lose much of its credibility. It trundled on, and in the 141st Cycle, it was joined by researcher Majorn Li who sought funds for a rehab centre on Radiance Station. She became, rather briefly, head of Cyber-Augmentation - until her sudden resignation very shortly after that, following a massive data leak.There are hints that she remained with Hexo-Geni as a consultant, however.   Around that same time, Hexo-Geni began research into the emerging Psionic Metadisease reported in several stations across the Hodeth Belt. However, by the 145th cycle, Hexo-Geni was in dire straits as its funds lowered and other pharmalabs made bigger, better discoveries than they could muster. Their Metadisease program kept the company afloat for the time being, but there were fears that increasingly, they looked obsolete and flirting with insolvency.  

The Teroshe Conspiracy

    In the 150th cycle, a worrying plague broke on the Zaalan makeshift station Teroshe. Very shortly after, as the plague spread across Belter communities, Hexo-Geni announced that it had already found a cure, whilst its competitors struggled to understand the nature of the novel and rapidly shifting virus responsible for it. The price it asked for was astronomical, prompting anger from the Hodeth Alliance. Rectifier and Belter activist Ergene Qalli started to hire merc crews on the down-low to investigate Hexo-Geni's claims - and eventually she had to go into hiding on Gorass after threats were made against her.   It took only one cycle for the truth to come out in dramatic form. The free merchant crew of the BSS Endeavour essentially managed to sneak past a Coalition blockade around Teroshe and gained access to the Hexo-Geni flagship CMS Ninazu, which orbited a distance from it. There, it was found that someone high-up at Hexo-Geni had used alien tech to create the virus and release it on Teroshe as a test bed for a new kind of cyber-augmentation vector, which essentially killed certain organs and prepared the subject's immune system to better accept implants. Though the identity of the mastermind was never revealed, it was later determined that the project was only green-lit after they convinced Hexo-Geni that fabricating a cure and marketing it against belter communities would allow for massive profits   The decisive data leak of corporate records by Valekeeper Khari Sare shone light on the conspiracy, which triggered huge unrest in Belter communities as well as within the Coalition. Zaalan and Belters saw the Hexo-Geni scandal as an vindictating example of Coalition greed, classicm and racism in full effect. The company itself was forcefully dismantled, much of its board was found dead or jailed, and the backlash led to race riots across Hakaria. Anti-Coalition sentiment rose to an all-time high, leading the Mewei Domain to reconsider many of its economic ties with Hakaria.   As of the 152nd cycle, the identity of the mastermind behind the Teroshe conspiracy remains unknown.
Corporation, Medical


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