Language Overview Language in Anareta : Chronicles of the Stream | World Anvil

Language Overview

Several languages are spoken throughout Elpis- from trade creoles to obscure cultish languages and even languages from beyond the plane of reality. It is often the case that worlds and/or races share languages. Many were brought from the Pyxis Globula, with evolution occuring every day.   Every character should speak Common in addition to their race language(s) and whichever extras are granted to them by the Starfinder rules.   Pyxian Common - a former trade creole, once spoken from a key Hiderid trading world in the Pyxis Globula and kept alive in Elpis as a common medium. Pyxian Common gave several languages its alphabet, often called the Pyxian Alphabet.   Spacertalk / Undercommon - the trade creole spoken across and beyond the Hodeth Belt, made of joined-up Boshari, Zaalan and Hiderid languages along with native inventions.  

Regional or Racial Languages

    Akadimaiki - a research-focussed language stemming from an ancient Hiderid nation; its primary world in the Globula is out of contact but use is kept across Stream research facilities.   Aisnaya - the spectrum of languages spoken across Elpis Boshaari moons and planets. Aisnaya speakers are digraphic - the language makes use of the Pyxian alphabet as well as ancient Boshaari runescript, but ditches the sinograms present in older languages.   Hakari - the main language spoken by Hiderid on Hakaria and its moons, albeit Pyxian Common is most often used in the wider Coalition.   Meweskijesik - the highly inflected, standardized language spoken on Nufano and aboard Mewei vessels.   Makinijesik - the Mewei dialect used by the Cult of the Arch-Code. Makes use of Altaya sinograms.   Hhrot - the cuneiform language spoken by most Hhrot and by the Hhrot Dominion   Zaalani - an ancient set of semi-mutually intelligible languages spoken by Zaalan warrior castes, now splintering and fragmenting from diaspora to diaspora.  

Less common languages

  Abyssal - a theoretical construct used to communicate with certain entities from Hyperspace.   Altaya - an old Boshaari imperial language which once dominated the elvish cultural sphere; now only spoken by the Chantry of the Void and a few conservative Great Houses. Noted for being a trigraphic language : runes, Common script and sinograms intermingle freely.   Ainaya - a language used in Boshaari holy texts, with the exception of the Tenets. Ainaya has two known versions : Early Ainaya, used before 5000 AR, and Koine Ainaya, an antiquity world language distinguisable by its use of Pahtari sigils.   Binary - the language spoken by the Cult of the Arch-Code.   Pahtari - an ancient Boshaari language (or language family?), extinguished thousands of years ago, but which contributed its sinograms to later Boshaari languages such as Ainaya and Altaya.   Qobarie - the strange alien language found throughout the Elpis system. Linguists have determined it is cognate with ancient Boshaari scripts - though no Boshaari presence in the system has been found prior to the arrival of the Ark.


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