Hhrot Dominion Organization in Anareta : Chronicles of the Stream | World Anvil

Hhrot Dominion

The Hhrot Dominion is the isolationlist industrial-military government that oversees Planetfall, Harvest and Gorass - and indeed much of the Hhrot people. It is led by Susura Golex Skullgrim.


  Before the Great Jump, the Hhrot were a proud warrior species, and their colonies often had a reputation for their forceful way of keeping the peace. In fact, very few Hhrot were initially interested in joining the other refugees on what would become the Embassy Ark and most considered dying to protect its launch as more honourable. Nevertheless, a large number of surviving troops evacuated to the Ark in the final minutes of the desperate battle against the Oberon Incursion, becoming today's Hhrot Dominion.   The Hhrot wasted no time and efficiently evacuated their people and their share of Programmable Matter. Over the course of a few years, two settlements had been built : the city of Bladesedge on Planetfall and that of Steeledge on Harvest.   Both planets were hardly livable - cold deserts with scant breathable air, requiring many Hhrot to venture outside wearing rebreathers, and to make things worse, the presence of apex predators on both worlds. Thanks to their military training and to their hardy constitution, they are nonetheless in the process of taming both worlds and making them more homely. Whilst they do trade with the rest of the Stream, they typically keep to themselves, and their space fleet is mostly used to protect Thaumium shipping lanes near Hhrot space, albeit they are currently assembling a larger shipyard.   Lately, the Hhrot have taken to colonize the slightly milder world Gorass in the hopes of turning it into an agricultural world - something that Harvest definitely did not live up to.  

Society & Customs



  The owners of the Ark Hitoka quickly set themselves to become the new centralized government of the Hhrot. Thus was the Council of the Dominion born. Hhrot society is extremely centralized and organized according to a strict military hierarchy. Whilst divided into 16 Legions - they are led by the Susuda, the leader of the Council. The Legion genuinely is the unit of life in Hhrot society. Children are born into them, and must train according to their ways. Each legion must be able to assemble readily, and so they are never overly spread apart.   Hhrot society is effectively a militarized stratocracy. Within one's own Legion , individuals rise, fall and perform according to their station in life. Legions have fighting units called Platoons or Voidfleets, depending on their particular sphere of influence, as well as auxiliary units. There is no shame in being demoted for most reasons, since it is seen as finding one's true place for the betterment of greater society. However, enslaved xeno are effectively outside of this rank system, since they cannot ever rise.   It is extremely hard to be kicked out of one's Legion. The old or disabled are often afforded low-ranking non-combat roles, though all are expected to serve in some capacity. The criminal, workshy and cowardly often end up in penal platoons but remain a part of the Legion. Often they are tasked with menial, punitive tasks away from the rest - effectively a form of exile, albeit with a chance at redemption. Serious crime and dereliction of duty is punishable by death, usually during public executions. Some Legions are more ruthless than others.   Hhrot are highly industrious. Their forges and industries surpass that of every other civilization. However, because of a lack of resources, their industrial power remains limited and many cities are intolerable hellholes of factories and shacks. Hhrot care little for aesthetics, and many cities are therefore utilitarian by design. In addition, while their technological prowess in affairs of war instills fear in other civilizations, their single-minded focus means that many other aspects of their economy are often left wanting. Shortages of food and basic amenities is often common (and often leads to skirmishes between different warbands.) Trade is often done by the Wayfarers, who might be Legion-less and therefore low on the social ladder, but also occupy the crucial position of delivering trade goods and securing supply lines within and without the Dominion. Most Legions keep order ruthlessly, and are well organized. They have no need for religious authorities and will instead put their highest officers into the limelight. Criminals and cowards alike are often sacrificed in their name, even if their sentence was not death. This is done to instill fear and authority and to keep populations compliant. When a new officer takes charge of a Legion or significant Platoon or Voidfleet, it is very common for them to assert their power by sacrificing dozens of prisoners at once, or make them joust in gladiatorial fights. The Council can call upon the Hunt in order to raise morale   Hhrot were once known for their widespread use of Sentinels. These vat-grown soldiers are given very little in the way of rights and respect until they have earned it from their superiors, usually by charging into a hopeless fight against the enemy. It is unknown where their name comes from; Hhrot are not known for keeping accurate archives. Less Sentinels exist nowadays, but the breeding vats exist, ready for any contigency.  


    Whilst most Hhrot have forsaken religion, the Helots of Gregara continue to be worshipped. They are a semi-secretive sect, their churches often found hidden in seedy back alleys. They are believed to hold no allegiance to any Legion, but instead to accrue power only for themselves. They are known to hold several rituals, including the Ritual of the Sun God or the Ritual of the Blood Legion. The frequent element of sacrifice and torture involved in these religious outpourings is probably connected to the Helots' interest in controlling prison-industrial complexes across the land - and curiously, few in the Hhrot Dominion seem fearless enough to oppose them.  

Politics & Economy

  The sixteen Legions are led by whoever ranks the highest; but above the Legions sits the senior Dominion itself. As a cross-Legion extension of the ranking system, its ruling hierarchy is made up of senior officers and exceptional individuals promoted in order to lead the Hhrot industrial machine as a whole, culminating in the Conclave, where the Susara (war-lord) sits supreme. Their skills and worth, in and out of battle, is thought to best serve the entirety of the Dominion above any one particular Legion. It is a rare and significant honour to be promoted beyond one's home Legion. Such great individuals will typically be "cast out" of their Legion in an elaborate ceremony, a reminder that the Conclave is impartial and works for the betterment of the Dominion over any one single Legion.   The ceremony also serves as a reminder that whilst Legions will almost always look after their own, no matter how low their rank, it is very possible to "fall off the bottom" of the Conclave hierarchy and out of Hhrot society : a Legion does not welcome a demoted officer back into their fold. This is thought to push more accountability onto senior officers. To ascend into the Dominion is an exceptional privilege and must not be squandered.   Hhrot strongly believe that other life forms beyond the Elpis System are out for their blood, and that the time will come when first contact is inevitable. To prepare against such aggression (and, perhaps, aggression from other colonies, though they do not see anybody else in Elpis as particularly worthy of such efforts), the Hhrot stage lifelike war-games against other Legions. This practice, the Way of the Blade, was allowed and effectively encouraged by former Hhrot leaders, and is being revived by the Council. Indeed, it is often believed internecine warfare drives technological levels, toughens the troops, culls the lazy and cowardly, and keeps population levels reasonable. Most warfare is permitted, so long no permanent damage (i.e. nuclear weapons) is done. War between Legions is often declared for various reasons - including political maneuvering and to clear one's honour in the face of a perceived slight. However, if war were to be rung against an enemy of the Hhrot, all Legions would instantly support each other.  


  The Hhrot Dominion eschews most diplomacy, prefering to remain isolated for the time being. They watch over developments in the rest of the Elpis system but have decided to develop their colonies in their own, self-sustainable way. Nonetheless, the Hhrot have particular dislike for the Hiderid, and especially the Hiderid Coalition of Stars. To ward against what they see as self-serving hegemony, the Hhrot and the Boshaari Council have struck a rather strange friendship.
Geopolitical, Stratocracy


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