S’Lludean of the Nightwatchers Character in Anacra | World Anvil

S’Lludean of the Nightwatchers

S’Lludean of the Nightwatchers

S'Lludean of the Nightwatchers is a Lamellran. They are feathered, dinosaur-like humanoids who hail from distant jungles and abhor the evil races and the Infernals. Lludean's family came the base of the *~ORB~* of Ioth Academy when the Infernals displaced their clan (the Nightwatchers). She is pursuing a slightly strange path, from her family's perspective - most Lamellran prefer either martial disciplines or divine spellcasting - but they are supportive of her endeavors. She showed a knack for arcane magic and a deep passion for theoretical questions, and they were proud when she was invited to the Academy. As a child (meaning up to age 5, since the Lamellran reach adult maturity in 10 years), she was constantly asking her mother and father "why?" and "what if...?". As her classmates and instructors could no doubt vouch, this has not changed at all since beginning her studies at Ioth Academy. She not only wants to understand What Is and Why (how magic works 'under the hood', where everything came from and how its origins shape its destiny), she also wants to know What Could Be, and extrapolate from the origins and creations to eventual or even potential reality-configurations. In short, a total theory-wonk nerd who feels more comfortable with her telescope and magnifying glass than in most conversations, and would prefer to engage in 'dialogue' via duelling academic theories than face-to-face chatting.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lithe and serpentine, for a biped. If you've ever seen someone manage to be both towering and invisible, you know the general effect Lludean has. She has "mastered the art of holding perfectly still", as a great scholar once said - but not for purposes of stealth (unless avoiding social interaction counts), just because she's typically lost deep in thought.

Body Features

S'Lludean is covered in pale blue scales, flecked with lilac and lavender. Like all her kin, she also has feathers. A crest of deep blue feathers starts like a forelock, runs along her skull, and joins with a neck-ruff, deepening to purple as it goes. When she's agitated or anxious, she unconsciously puffs this frill/ruff out. It looks more comical than she realizes. Tufts of similar features adorn her elbows, shoulders, and knees.

Special abilities

As a Lamellran, S'Lludean knows the prestidigitation cantrip. She can cast the bless and sanctuary spells with this trait. She regains the ability to do so when she finishes a long rest. Wisdom is her spellcasting ability for these spells.

Specialized Equipment

Her most prized possessions are her telescope (a gift from her father, who laid the egg she hatched from) and her magnifying glass (a gift from her mother).

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

She wouldn't mind having kids some day, as long as her partner does the actual childbearing - Lamellran are very egalitarian in their reproduction, as during the ritual that constitutes mating , either partner or both can choose to fertilize their eggs. In her case, her father was the one who gestated and incubated her as an egg. Her mother was too busy with her dangerous duties as a Paladin. Once she hatched, both of her parents were very supportive, present, and involved, however.


Ideas are sexy to S'Lludean.

Intellectual Characteristics

Curious, generous, and forthright. Loves the abstract, the theoretical - the less likely, the better...

Morality & Philosophy

Lamellran are almost exclusively lawful good, living their lives in equal parts ceremony and virtue. They take labor and recreation in equal measure (although for S'Lludean, her recreation IS essentially her labor, since she does far more studying than is strictly required), have a strong emphasis on family ties, and though they can turn a blind eye to minor slights they will not ignore evil or immoral behavior.


Anything related to Infernals. Her people are sworn to fight the evil races and infernals.

Personality Characteristics


She wants to know EVERYTHING about the Firmament - where it came from, what it's made of, what it can do, what it could be made to do, etc. etc. Other magical/theoretical topics are also interesting to her. Her people focus heavily on the Infernals and how to stop them. She's also worried about what else might be Out There, beyond the firmament...

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Theoretical Magic? Right in her wheelhouse. Having a conversation that doesn't consist of her basically reciting her thesis to an extremely bored, trapped, bystander? ...very challenging.

Likes & Dislikes

She loves fine food and drink, and trying new flavors. Exotic spices and flavors she's never experienced before are a special treat to her. However, most of her meals are very boring, if she even remembers to eat at all - she spends more time lost in reading, writing, studying, and skygazing...

Vices & Personality flaws

A little too focused on her studies. Can forget how to socialize and accidentally be inconsiderate when she's droning on and on and on about her work.


Contacts & Relations

Her clan, the Nightwatchers, are in one of the refugee areas surrounding the Academy.

Social Aptitude

Lacking! She lights up when she's talking about her studies and research, which is charming... for the first thirty minutes or so. But once she starts "TED Talking", there is basically no stopping her. However, you might be able escape quietly. Chances are good she won't notice.

Intellectual, dreamer, a Lamellran who studies the magic of the firmament and its potential. Happier with her scrolls and telescopes than in most social settings, largely because she's used to boring people with nerd rants.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
7 years old (almost an adult, in her species)
A distant jungle
Current Residence
The Ring
Icy Blue
No hair, but feathers in plumes and frills of blue, purple, and splashes of rainbow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sky-blue scales with flecks of lilac
6 ft
200 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Why?" "What if..." "How do you know?"


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