Primal Music Physical / Metaphysical Law in Anacra | World Anvil

Primal Music

The Primal Music is a way to describe that which is, as opposed to that which is not.   According to Primal Music Theory, all matter, energy, thought, substance -- all that is, is continuous and inseparable. The lack of apparent continuity between things is simply the result of different vibrations and frequencies in that continuous field. All is one, and when you become aware of the oneness of all things, you can perceive the waves and tones of the music.   If this theory holds true, then everyone and everything "wields" the Primal Music. However, there are practitioners who spend their lives attuning themselves to the Cosmic Tune, hoping to gain greater understanding of reality, and perhaps even the ability to manipulate it.   It is said that "Wielders" of the Primal Music can enact change in reality without using standard forms of magic, or even movement. They're said to manipulate the Fundamental Power, the underlying basis of reality. A true master of the Primal Music would be limited only by their own capacity for Resonance. They could change literally anything.   Some esoterists believe that Bardic Magic is particularly connected to the Primal Music, as ideas, stories, and emotions are "closer" to this underlying truth than other forms of power. Others decry these claims, stating that because the Primal Music is literally everything, no tradition of magic is closer to it than any other. To them, actual control of the Primal Music would be nigh imperceptible, enacting change without the generation of any kind of magical field.  

Melody, Harmony, Discord & Silence

  Primal Music theorists and mystics speak of four different Modalities of interaction with the Music. First is melody, the normal state of affairs. When you lift your arm or think about something, those changes are ultimately changes in the vibrational patterns of the universe, the "main tune" of reality. Thus, existence without direct interference with the Music comprises Melody.   Harmony is the demense of those who know how to directly perceive the Primal Music and interact with it. By generating cosmic vibrations that are in alignment with the preexisting melody, they can accomplish change and deeds normally associated with "magic," but without causing great disruption. An actual master of the Music builds off what already is and what could be.   Discord is direct interference with the Music in abrupt, blatant or disruptive ways. Acts of Discord are often far more impressive than acts of Harmony and can change reality in drastic ways, but running directly against the existing music of the universe can have unintended side effects. Discord is energy intensive, dangerous, and difficult to control.   Silence is the absence of music. Pure noise without rhythm would be utter discord, a reality incomprehensible and unlivable. Music is the interplay between Sound and Silence, and the space between the notes is just as important as the notes themselves. But actual Silence is nothingness. Silence is the power of Void, negation, obliteration, annihilation. It's possible some Void Wielders use the imagery of Silence when studying their craft, but for adherents of the Song, actual pure Silence is omnipresent and utterly dangerous, a negative force eternally pressuring the Song to end, driving it endlessly onward.


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