Nis Character in Anacra | World Anvil

Nis (Neese)

What burns within, burns without. What burns without, burns within.   Of all the Elemental Titans , Nis may be the most mysterious. Solely created by Sin, Nis is the Flame Inside the Flame. Their true shape is never seen, and there are whispers that even the name Nis simply means "Nameless."   Nis embodies the allure and fascination of fire. When you stare into a flickering bonfire and watch the tongues of flame dance along the log, faster than the eye can see, ephemeral but very real, you glimpse the very nature of Nis. Fire is a source of knowledge and revelation, a literal light that shines in darkness, a catalyst capable of transforming food and metal to reveal their true selves.   One of the titans least commonly worshipped, those who do honor Nis do so by contemplating their own minds and souls. Internal change and enlightenment, unlocking secrets and true understanding are the domain of Nis.

Divine Domains

  • Knowledge
  • Prophecy
  • Seership
  • Fire
  • Light
  • Psionics

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Two hands closed around a one-tongued flame
  • An eye with a one-tongued flame for a pupil

Tenets of Faith

  • Self-knowledge is the path to enlightenment
  • Internal change precedes external change
  • The fire lies within


Emberheart, the 5th month, is dedicated to Nis, and the 135th day of the year, mid-emberheart, is Nis' holy day.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Enlighten mortal minds
Divine Classification
Elemental Titan


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