Infernal Energy Physical / Metaphysical Law in Anacra | World Anvil

Infernal Energy

Infernals are entities that feed on suffering. Many of them came to Anacra from the Hungry Dark, but others were spawned from the cruelties and hardships of this very world. Infernals are innate sources of infernal magic, born of years of cruelty, harvested from tormented souls and acts of hardship. Using infernal magic requires either a pact or channel to an infernal source, or the actual committing and harvesting of acts of cruelty. Infernal Magic can be quite powerful but always has a horrible price.  


  • Infernal Energy is inherently cruel and selfish. Spells that inflict pain or suffering, deprive the subject of free will, corrupt or twist beauty or innocence and otherwise make the world a worse place, work well with Infernal Energy.
  • Infernal Energy cannot give, it can only take. Healing effects driven by Infernal Energy rely on draining others. Defensive infernal spells feed on spite and hatred, lashing out against those who'd dare attack.
  • The mere practice of channeling Infernal Energy changes its practitioners for the worse. It inflicts damage on the soul and alters the body over time. On the bright side, it requires far less discipline to wield, as long as you're willing to make someone else pay the price.

Methods & Practices

  • Diabolism is the practice of summoning and binding fiends using Infernal Energy. Because Fiends are inherently creatures imbued with Infernal Energy, it can be used to control them (as surely as controlling a mortal's blood or mind would control that mortal).
  • Hellfire refers to channeling Infernal Energy into directly destructive purposes. Hellfire is not true elemental fire, though it's sometimes admixed.
  • Particularly horrific magical rites and rituals use cruelty and selfishness to twist Vital or Psychic energy into Infernal Energy. While this can completely circumvent the involvement of a fiend, it's a good way to end up becoming one.


  • Fiends, especially Infernals, are inherent sources of Infernal Energy. They can grant it directly to their followers via Pact Magic or Divine Magic
  • Just as its possible to sacrifice mortals to harvest their vital energy, it's possible to drain Infernal Energy from fiends, often by imprisoning them in a vessel or killing them and harvesting or consuming their essence.
  • Acts of cruelty can transform Vital or Psychic energy into Infernal Energy.


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