Fooltide Tradition / Ritual in Anacra | World Anvil


Every year, when the last flames of Forgen are fading, when the last harvest is gathered into the holds, when the cold of winter approaches and the light begins to fade, there is a holy day that breaks all the rules. Every other holiday is celebrated between weeks, on days given over for rest, but Fooltide breaks the pattern. It's a day given over to indulgence, to breaking rules and defying traditions. On The Laughing God's day, the mighty must serve the lowly, and all are commanded to eat, drink, and be merry.


Fooltide has no history. It arises spontaneously among every civilization to evolve on Anacra. Someone comes up with the idea, in dreams or by hearing of another tribe that celebrates it. Scholars believe that Fooltide is a small mote of the Laughing God's only command: BE FREE, a spiritual force that emerged from the new world ordered by the Emerald Tablets.   Every culture has their own story about the origins of Fooltide and may call it by a different name, or celebrate it in their own way, but a few core concepts seem to permeate every iteration of Fooltide.


While specific traditions vary, the common elements of Fooltide involve:  
  • A day of rest from work and obligation
  • Copious amounts of food, alcohol, and other indulgences.
  • Music, dancing, performances and laughter
  • The wealthy and powerful host a feast for the poor and marginalized
This last element is crucial. It's said that luck will forsake any nation that fails to uphold the sanctity of Fooltide. Barons and emperors are to throw open their holds and feed the workers of the fields and the beggars of the streets, letting them keep for themselves whatever they've harvested that they might survive the long winter.   Another common tradition involves masks, the concealment of identity, social classes mingling when normally they'd be forbidden to do so, acts of daring or seduction that would normally be taboo, and other defiance of social norms. It is not uncommon for the wealthy to hold a masked ball or party of their own while simultaneously supplying the rest of their people with food and beverages.


The 22nd of Forgen, in the Fall. Fooltide is unique because unlike most other holidays, it always falls in the middle of the work week, disrupting normal labor and business. By design, of course.


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