Antioch Na’Nuldamire Character in Anacra | World Anvil

Antioch Na’Nuldamire

Antioch Na’Nuldamire

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Petite and easily observable. ;)

Facial Features

Classic Alfar beauty tinted with the mischief of Fey influence, featuring dawn colored eyes and wavy, shoulder-length hair in the color of the trees that surround her home refuge. Multiple ear piercings, angel bites, a tattooed left eye and tongue.

Identifying Characteristics

Shimmering, golden, fullbody tattoos, remniscent of those of Ioth himself.

Physical quirks

Right handed, but duels with her left hand.

Special abilities

Specializes in arcane tattoos and unique spell matrix design. Can easily recite the Draconic alphabet backwards whie walking a straight line. ;)

Apparel & Accessories

Typically wears clothing with as little coverage as she can get away with. Occasionally wears her big, fancy cloak if the occasion demands, but even that is sleeveless to show off her ink.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A daughter of nobility from the Nuldamire refuge. Surrounded by powerful and wild magic, with an affinity to match, Antioch grew up with the expectation that she would one day attend Ioth Academy and follow in the path of Ar dtús himself.

Gender Identity



Everyone. ;)


  • Year 1: Calligraphy
  • Year 2: Magical History
  • Year 3: Alchemy
  • Year 4: Etiology
  • Year 5: History & Tactics of Battle & Warfare
  • Year 4: A tattoo granting the cantrip Minor Illusion (Final Grade: 101.7)
  • Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Maintains surprisingly good grades considering her "extracurricular acitivies."
  • Accomplished duelist in the Coldiron Crucible.
  • Started a catboy maid cafe.
  • Failures & Embarrassments

    Shame? Never heard of her.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Hot girl summer is year round, baby.

    Personality Characteristics


    To become a great mage dedicated to preserving the beauty of magic and creation... eventually. In the mean time, shots? ;)

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    ✔️ Visualization, aesthetic design, taking tests, adapting to new situations. ❌ Reading the room, long term planning, finishing homework.

    Likes & Dislikes

    ✔️ Pretty eyes, people who flirt back, compliments about her tattoos, skilled duelists, comfy surfaces, sharp things. ❌ Formal clothing, being told what to do, clutter, stale room smell.

    Virtues & Personality perks

    Zen and full of positive energy. Always looks for the beauty in others, unless they've really, really, really given her a reason not to.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Her list of vices could fill the Tarselmoor library — she does not say no to temptation.

    Personality Quirks

    The strength of her Sylvan accent scales with her inebriation.


    Contacts & Relations

    Roommates with Cüper. Really, just roommates. ;)

    Family Ties

    The only daughter of Seleucus and Nicator Na'Nuldamire.

    Social Aptitude

    Enjoys people on many different levels, but doesn't try overly hard to make friends since she's content to just vibe and let people gravitate in and out her space as they will. Can be overly familiar with certain inviduals that she occasionally does take a specific interest in.


    Please refer to the song "Best Friend" by Saweetie and Doja Cat.

    Hobbies & Pets

    Designing spell matricies and tattoos, studying other cultures for artistic inspiration, flirting with anything that moves, taking names in the Crucible, assisting Cüper with his "creative endeavors."


    Coquettish and lilting, with a noticeable Sylvan accent.

    Wealth & Financial state

    Not to the degree of certain other Alfar nobles, but never wanting for anything.

    Your resident Alfar party wizard, here for a good time *and* a long time. ;)

    View Character Profile
    Nuldamire Refuge
    Current Residence
    Ioth Academy (Tarselmoor Chapterhouse)
    Female (she/her)
    Dawn gold
    Dusty orchid
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Warm ivory
    Known Languages
    Common, Elvish, Sylvan

    Current Impressions

    Cüper: Enabler? Maybe. Favorite boy? Definitely. Has a deep and open affection for her roommate and long timiest friend at the academy that exists somewhere between platonic and romantic, and she doesn’t particularly care to sort it out (caretakers can fuck right off, btw). 100% serious about marrying him, except that Antioch's seriousness is only about 40% the potency of everyone else's. Still, definitely thinks he's husbando material – like, have you seen how cute he is when he's blitzed out of his mind? ;)   Yanaselle: Very important gal pal and future maid of honor. Thinks she's pretty af and enjoys having a(nother) consistent cuddle buddy and someone to talk to about Elf Things. Thinks Yanny would be better off if she tranced less often and spent more time in the moment, but respects the grind so Antioch tries not to whine about it too often.   Ren: Aquatic-flavored eye candy.   Lex: Favorite new addition to dueling club. Wants her for a doubles partner just as much as she wants a revenge match. Likes watching her girlboss the shit out of Ned.   Eva: One half of Antioch’s favorite magnet board pair. Enjoys tutoring her and seeing her grow and thrive in such a pure and innocent way that Antioch is distinctly not.   Hilde: Favorite staff member. Appreciates all the time, effort, and skill that Hilde has put into helping with the cafe outfits and recruitment. Enjoys the slowburn whatever between her and Cuan.   Kilgore: Mega hottie. Would've rooted for her in the Codex tournament had she been up against literally anyone else besides Cüper.   Ned: Lex’s boy toy. Thinks he’d be much cuter in maid cosplay than wizard cosplay.   Marcel: Eva’s boy t– friend. What a nice young man, that Marcel…   Cuan: Hilde’s boy… something. Pulls of the maid outfit surprisingly well due to his cat face. Potential candidate for more cool body mods, very exciting – maybe she'll get to take a closer look at the throat stitches next time.   Athalor: Keenly aware of his lineage and a personal fan of his mom’s work. Would love to have the chance to bully him in dueling club sometime.   Everyone else: Cuties. ;)     (Last updated midway through year 6)


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