Amadán Ionúin Prose in Anacra | World Anvil

Amadán Ionúin

Dearg, Emberheart 8, 6863
Preserve what can be preserved
Redeem what can be redeemed
Mourn what must be lost
  When the sun first rose, and one dawn gave way to another, my mourning of you began.
  Once we wove ourselves together and took joy in the unwinding. My soul, and yours, intermingling. Every joy and fear you felt, was mine. Every tune and whim I felt, was yours. To fight, to fear, to flee as one, as Noon's children cannot fathom. Never have I been known, felt, and seen as then, by you. We cast the light of Luminias in a thousand shades and tunes around us.   When fear unsheathed its claws in our hearts and all was lost, you were my comfort and my solace. The light we lost was part of us, bound up in the places where we touched. Even as they tore our home apart I clung to hope, held it with you and fled with it into the wastes. I remember feeling that the few of us were utterly alone, tiny cinders in a rainstorm. But there was warmth in you, and warmth in me, and hope in both.   Yet divine hands divided all things, and with it our substance from our essence, and we awakened on a world reborn. We shared the first rays of Zeilar's light together, but for the first time, I saw also your shadow. I knew you, amadán ionúin, but already you began forgetting me. There were new things to love in you--burning to learn and name these Four Kingdoms, their workings and weavings. Finding peoples unconceived by our own minds, unknown and imperceptible, and finding ways to know them. Every day I spent by your side, from the garden of the gods to the deepest wellsprings, I mourned you in breaths and footsteps. For you loved the learning of it but not the thing itself. When I stepped from your path to walk my own, already my heart had taken a thousand steps away.     In Dreaming's depths and the crevasses of my own people, I never stopped loving you, nor mourning you. You sought to preserve what could not be preserved, when there was so much you could have redeemed. You were lost long ago, and I have mourned you ever since.   I will not seek you on the paths of Dream, and if I find you there I will turn aside. I will carry you in my waking heart. Better is it to suffer the truth than drown in lies.


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