Alchemical Energy Physical / Metaphysical Law in Anacra | World Anvil

Alchemical Energy

The interactions of the Kingdoms create the firmament, a cosmic shell that protects Anacra from the predations of the Hungry Dark. While almost all magic requires an understanding of these interactions, Alchemy is energy that derives from the actual interactions of the worlds--not just energy transfer from one world to another, but the energy generated by the movements of the cosmos.   Alchemists study these principles and use them to enact change according to the cosmic laws. Emerald Savants use the actual language of the Firmament--the Emerald Tablets--to reinforce the natural order.  


  • Alchemical Energy reinforces natural order and transforms according to natural law.
  • Alchemical Energy is most suited for converting, transforming, or interacting with the elements and the four kingdoms of existence.
  • Spells that banish creatures to their "correct" planes of existence or neutralize "excess" magical energy work well when powered by Alchemical Energy
  • Effects powered by Alchemical Energy have a lot of ontological inertia. Because Alchemical Energy is reinforced by, instead of working against, natural law, it is extremely resilient to entropy and decay.
  • Alchemical Energy is ill suited for effects that go against the Emerald Tablets or Natural Law.

Methods & Practices

  • Magic from the School of Transmutation relies heavily on Alchemical principles and often employs Alchemical energy for certain operations.
  • Alchemists, obviously, rely on Alchemical principles when creating their concoctions.
  • Alkemancers use a combination of physical reagents and alchemical energy to rapidly enact change
  • When large amounts of motive energy are required for elemental activations, conjurers, evokers, elementalists and others will often use Alchemical symbols to channel energy from the movement of the Four Kingdoms.
  • Artificers frequently include Alchemical Energy in their creations, either as a source of power or as a "seal" to add permanence to a given enchantment or piece of work.


  • The constant metaphysical rotation of the Four Kingdoms creates a sort of "friction" or ontological momentum. This is called Alchemical Energy. It can be harnssed by using specific arcane patterns that resonate with the aforementioned movements.
  • Physical/Chemical/Alchemical Reactions can act as conduits to Alchemical Energy, even if the reaction itself is not relevant to the operation at hand.
  • It is said that the Emerald Tablets can manifest in physical form. Anyone possessing such a fragment can wield incredible Alchemical Energy.


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