Time Sworn Sentinels Organization in Amerielle | World Anvil
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Time Sworn Sentinels

The Time Sworn Sentinels are an ancient group of mages, lorists, and knowledge seekers whose primary goal has been to seek the accumulation of knowledge. They have sought knowledge for eons as they have cataloged what has come before this time. They are particularly focused on the moments of violence and intensity that have driven the world through the four ages.   Time sworn sentinels can be found across all of Amerielle not only in the Time Sworn Enclaves but also in the active pursuit of knowledge. It is not uncommon to find a Sentinel in the wilderness seeking enlightenment or some previously unkown tomb.   They are a meticulous group and are are responsible for the most comprehensive calendar and clock known in Amerielle.   While generally accepting off all practices of magic and magical pursuits they are vehemently opposed to any spell that manipulates time as they are concerned about the ramifications that changes might bring. Any Sentinel who is caught using such a spell is banished from the order and may find himself even hunted by some of the more radical members of the organization   Their opposition to time manipulation has put them at odds with the sphinx that can be found across the land. This is conflict dates back to one of their founding Champions, the legendary fighter-sage named, Occorifus. It is said that over his life he personally killed ten sphinx. While some of the versions of the story involve him refusing to answer their riddle and besting them with sword the most common version of the story involves him besting each with wit and knowledge.   The story goes, in some fashion or another, as such: The great Occorifus had traveled the world accumulating knowledge. He was insatiable when it came to the collection of wisdom and when he'd felt that he'd come to know all things knowable he found himself delving into areas protected by sphinx looking for the knowledge that the gods themselves had tucked away. Each sphinx found him a noble man but when he bested each of their riddles and confounded them by presenting his own that they could not break they were driven into furry and consumed themselves our of indignation.   After ten sphinx were slain and as he grew in even more in knowledge the goddess Atë tricked him into accepting a cursed amulet from her and when he slipped it over his head age set upon Occorifus. The memories of his youth slipped first and then those that he'd just experienced. His followers watched in as horror as the man of great wisdom lost all memory. And such was the tale of Occorifus, cursed to live out his life filled with the knowledge of ages, but lost to old age, a curse he passed down to his descendants.  

Figures of Interest

Silpal Landstrom

Lawful Good, Male human Silpal is the Protectora of the Time Sworn Sentinels.    


The symbol of Time Sworn Sentinels is a Sundial with the time often set to 6.

Power without wisom is a blunt spear.

Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
The Sentinels


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